1yr; Day 618 – graduation

Hi Everyone, When a patient arrives at Bryn Mawr, the team thoroughly evaluates their physical/cognitive abilities for a baseline. The day before discharge the patient is assessed for a final evaluation. Today was performance day and Corey exceeded everyone’s...

1yr; Day 587 – She’s baaack!

Hi Everyone, Corey had a good day. We both had about 4.5 hrs sleep last night and this morning she caught another 2 hours before Day 2 of Rehab Boot Camp began. She had 3 hours of PT/OT broken down into four sessions. Session 1 OT 1 hour ~ Session 2 PT ½ hour ~...

1yr; Day 586 – fighting for inpatient

Hi Everyone, We had a very difficult night. Corey was in a great deal of pain, her disorientation was magnified by the pain medication and it was a rough night. She and I only managed an hour’s sleep. This morning PT/OT came in for a post surgical evaluation. This is...

1yr; Day 585 – Achilles tendon lengthening

Hi Everyone, This is a quick update…Corey’s surgery went well. Her feet are now at 90 degree angles, casted in that position for the next 4 weeks. The casts are knee high. We can’t wait to start decorating them! Corey is in a lot of pain tonight. She is taking...

1yr; Day 583 – True Grit

Hi Everyone, Today was a good day and an emotional day. Corey had a tough morning. She is still coping with disorientation, anxiety, anger and short/long term memory issues. Caring for Corey with limited nursing has been challenging under these circumstances. I’m...