TBI: To Be Inspired

14 Years – Day 5,115 Setbacks and Progress

This year has been a combination of both! Corey and I are living with some challenging setbacks; yet, we are making some very good progress. Since last year’s hospital stay, Corey’s new medication has helped the convulsive seizures; however, with the good comes some...

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13 Years ~ Luck is all about Perspective

The preparation for the annual update always begins with reflection. I not only begin thinking of the events of the past year, but include the invaluable exercise of reviewing our entire TBI journey as well. The combination reaffirms my daily ritual of trying to...

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12 Years – 4,384 days…Going UP the Down Escalator

Hi Everyone, This has been a challenging year. Unfortunately, Corey’s had several setbacks and each feel like we’re going UP the Down escalator. Corey had her first set back in the beginning of the year. She was having trouble swallowing and we discovered her right...

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11 years – 4,019 Days…did I really just type that number?

11 years – 4,019 Days…did I really just type that number?

The calendar page keeps changing and yet the passage of time is still surreal. Every year I look back and reflect on where we started, where we are, and what new milestones we hope to achieve. Our anniversary date is one of the harder milestones to acknowledge in that...

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Day 3,804 – Brain Injury Awareness Month 2021

Day 3,804 – Brain Injury Awareness Month 2021

Today is the first day of Brain Injury Awareness Month. The first awareness lesson is brain injury lasts longer than 30 days! In fact, today is DAY 3,804 for us. We have learned many lessons, and Corey and I continue to speak to other TBI families about the nuances,...

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10 Years – a decade of change

10 Years – a decade of change

Ten years? What a milestone! Each anniversary gives pause to reflect on our journey. I must admit, this year I have been struggling to find the words and direction to summarize my thoughts; especially given the added weight of the recent world issues. I was recently...

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Day 3371 – Strength in each step

Day 3371 – Strength in each step

Merry Christmas Eve. Our MIRACLE is receiving the gift of strength everyday to Never Give Up and Never Give In; no matter how tired, how fed up, or how busy we are, we try to keep moving forward. Don't get me wrong...it's hard, but TOGETHER we can do anything. That is...

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9 Years; the moments when no one is watching…

9 Years; the moments when no one is watching…

The number nine is not a big number until you attach its detail; 9 years equals 3,288 days. Each year as this day approaches, I go back and reread the anniversary posts chronicled within our blog. It’s a valuable exercise for perspective. Our daily focus is on Corey’s...

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8 Years; Day 2,923 – Look Back but Don’t Stare

Hi Everyone,  Eight years; another milestone. In the grand scheme of things, eight years is not a long period of time. In the course of recovery; 2,923 days is a BIG number! Milestones are life’s markers to reflect on past achievements and lessons learned. ...

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