
Read Our Story!

3yrs; Day 1195 – Cooking with Corey + recipe

Hi Everyone, It’s Marie tonight

Corey and I both spent the day with our sisters.

Diane is visiting this week to help us with the development of Corey’s first book. We hope it will be useful for TBI families post acute inpatient stay. We have our title, chapter outlines and began writing the first few chapters. One chapter will be dedicated to Corey’s writings. She has a series of topics, questions and musings that will be included. In addition, we’ll have a chapter on Nutrition which will include many of the recipes we’ve been using in our Cooking Therapy sessions. We love reading your comments on the carepage and think it’s a great idea to begin posting some of our recipes here. You can be our test audience!! We are posting last nights dish and will note when the recipe is attached to the end of the page for those of you brave enough to test our creations.

Caitlin and Corey had a great day. It was the first day they’ve had without Corrine in many, many months. The girls went to Bryn Mawr for a session with Natalie. Corey walked 580 feet to the day treatment gym, cycled for 17 minutes when Natalie had to remind her to stop peddling (thank goodness that bike is stationery!), then the girls timed Corey’s standing balance. It was not an official timed trial so the girls did the best out of 6. Corey only held her stance for 1 minute to 1.20 each trial before tilting off balance but all tolled, she stood for over 6 minutes. I’d be wobbling too after 45 minutes of working out. As a timed test her grand total doesn’t ‘count’ but guess what…we add every second and it all counts to us!

We hope you all made your day count too, xoxo

Cooking with Corey

Horseradish Chicken with roasted vegetables
Prep time approximately 20 minutes
Cook time approximately 30 minutes

1 large head fresh Broccoli, cut close to florets discarding stalks
2 cups fresh string beans cut (1″ length)
2 cups celery with tops chopped (1/4″ pieces)
2 medium sweet onions cubed
1 large container whole baby bella mushrooms, coarsely chopped
6 cups fresh spinach leaves
Balsamic Vinegrette dressing (we use Costco Kirkland brand)
Olive Oil
(4) 4oz Chicken breasts, (trim, filet chicken breasts lengthwise)

Cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil
Drizzle 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil on the foil
Wash, cut and randomly scatter all veggies on the cookie sheet
Drizzle 4 tablespoons of Vinegrette dressing over vegetables
Using a spatula, flip raw veggies to coat
Place in the oven to roast at 425 for 20 minutes, occasionally turning the mixture for even cooking

While the vegetables are roasting, fillet the chicken lengthwise
Using a pastry brush, coat breasts with horseradish mustard (we use the generic Giant brand)
Place in a dry frying pan on 250 or medium heat.
Continually turn breasts. If the pan becomes dry, add a tablespoon of diluted Vinegrette dressing for moisture.

As vegetables become tender, change oven setting to broil for 5 minutes (this gives a grilled look/taste to veggies)
The breasts should be finished about the same time as the vegetables.

Evenly distribute a bed of raw spinach on your dinner plates
Place chicken on spinach bed and ladle roasted vegetables to top off the chicken

Serves 4 for under 200 calories/serving
Bon Appetite!

3yrs; Day 1194 – from Corey + recipe

hi everyone

i have something new to say. my aunt diane is here from NY and while her and my mom were working i stood at the sink to prepare dinner for tonight. i prepped all the vegetables to roast. broccoli mushrooms onions string beans celery with balsamic vinegrette. mom made the chicken with horseradish mustard. it tasted better then a costco dinner and i bet it would be a hit in a restaurant. i also happened to play yahtzee and i won

well i hope you all had a good day too, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1192 – YET

Hi Everyone,

Corey has been struggling with her WHEN and WHY questions again. Unfortunately there are no answers except to remind her “this isn’t forever it’s just for now”.

A portion of today’s motivational quote from Ralph Marston is on point for us;

“You cannot turn the corner until you get to it. In order to create a breakthrough, you must lay the groundwork for it.”

“Real value is built with time, effort and commitment. Don’t cheat yourself out of that value by demanding instant results”.

‘demanding instant results’; how often during the course of a day do we impatiently wait and/or try to force the outcome of a process that is clearly open-ended?

‘you can not turn the corner until you get to it’; we can’t rush our arrival. what a perfect reminder to stop and remember what we do today will help us get to where we want to be tomorrow. we have to stay in the moment. somedays that means one minute at a time.

We made it to Bryn Mawr, despite Corey’s repeated declaration “just so you know, mom, I’m not ok with going there”.

Our conversation centers on another favorite word of mine “YET”. We highlight the dreams that will be realized because of the foundation of work she’s already achieved.

The pep talk leads to silence. I secretly hope the message will be processed and retained. I’m saddened by her memory loss. Corey can not appreciate her accomplishments which fuels her fear and anxiety.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Corey’s left arm extend toward a water bottle placed in the cup holder between us. More significantly, she’s not using her right arm to assist her left. My eyes dart from the road to her arm watching her deliberate motion. Corey grasps the bottle with her left hand, raises it from the cup holder, curls her wrist palming the bottle as if it were a hand weight. Her concentration filled the car with intense energy. She then proceeded to pull the bottle to her chest and fully extend her arm in a repetitive motion. She was using the water bottle as a 1 pound weight working her bicep. Pretending to be cavalier, I continued driving as I counted the repetitions; 15 in all.

When she was finished, she turned to me and said, “we need to tell Natalie what I did. I have more work to do to get back in the kitchen”.

Corey was ready. This afternoon we placed another wager for her timed distance record. Two weeks ago she completed 371 feet in 6 minutes. Today’s stake; a new scarf from Charming Charlie’s. Some would call it bribery, I call it motivation and I’m happy to lose!

Corey set a new personal best; 392 feet in 6 minutes using her arm cane. We asked her if she’d like to sit and rest as I ran back to get her wheelchair. She refused and asked if she could walk back. Natalie and I agreed if she was willing. Half way back to the main lobby, there is a small cluster of chairs. We asked Corey if she needed a break and wanted to rest.
C – I’m on a roll, you can’t stop me now!
She returned to the main lobby walking 784 feet without a break or a rest!

She finished her session with climbing up/down a flight of stairs along with a balancing trial that timed 1minute and 55 seconds. All of this was achieved with less then 3 hours sleep last night!

rebuilding with time, effort and commitment can make turning the corner seem like a mirage along an endless road until the YET redefines our direction and purpose.

Don’t you love the word YET? xoxo

3yrs; Day 1189 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday, before the storm hit, we went to Philadelphia for an appointment with the seizure specialist. Corey had a seizure Thanksgiving Eve and has had smaller subsequent episodes since. This is not uncommon for many TBI survivors but none-the-less worrisome as you can imagine. The specialist has said before and re-iterated, Corey’s seizures can only be managed with her medication not prevented or cured. The medications are 60% affective. As long as she does not have consistent granmal seizures we will continue on with cautious opitimism.

This is Corey,
even though we did not have school or therapy at Bryn Mawr, we took advantage of our snow day and had a manicure at madame d’la bedhead’s salon (aka, mom) and madame does a pretty good manicure with glitter. she does not mess around in her salon!

this weekend we will try making something new that moms sister louise sent us. chicken with brie and carmalized onions and its supposed to be super yummy.

we hope you all are having fun on your snow day and are keeping to your new years resolution; after all is only day 3, xoxo

3yrs; 3 months – from Corey 2013 recap

Happy New Year everyone,

Here is Corey’s 2013 recap with a little message written by Corey to begin 2014, Cheers!

New glasses
recognized numbers
recognized letters
recognized roads traveled

began reading
began writing and posting on carepage
began texting on the IPhone and IPad
wrote lists for packing, groceries and recipes
surfs the internet, excels in retail therapy
plays board games
blew her birthday candles out!

created “personalities” for emotional development
expresses emotions verbally and with journaling

holding bottles with left hand to remove the cap
holds mixing bowl w/left hand to cook
advances in grooming, brushing hair, teeth, caring for personal hygiene, beginning attempts to dressing independently
can place gloves on both hands independently

January-“I don’t want to be in this wheelchair anymore”
February-walked with assistance 20 feet
March-began using platform walker
April-new wheelchair, walk side by side w/mom & caitlin
May-first attempt at balancing to stand alone lasted 3 seconds
June-started Aqua therapy
July-can lift left knee to ‘march’, walked in the sand at the beach to float in the bay
August-water walking, independently pulled up from a seated position
September-peddled on recumbent bike
October-Turned 21 and walked down the aisle with walker for birthday entrance
November-new car and no wheelchair to walk into restaurants sitting in ‘regular’ booth
December-stood for 2minutes 56 seconds
and walked 740 feet with forearm cane. Cook her first omelette and grilled cheese standing at the kitchen stove

hi everyone its corey
Today is day 1 of a 365 page book. What would i like to write in it this year?

i asked myself what do I want to do or what can I do, that is the real question? what is the answer;
Mom says I can do whatever I set my mind to.

so here it goes!

i would like to concoct a really challenging chicken dish because after all i do want to be a chef

and that just gets me started! i’d also like to walk around the kitchen and make something really yummy for dinner

speaking of walking, i would like to learn to walk all by myself for my brothers wedding but first and most important, i don’t want anyone to help me across the stage at my high school graduation that is number 1.

this year i would like both of my arms to move 100% on their own which will be hard but I’m up for the challenge

for my memory we refer to her as forgetful fran and i would like to forget her and rely solely on corey,s memory no more fran. we can kick her to the curb!

and since we have the whole year, i would like to get out of bed by myself and start sleeping through the night so I don’t need nurses anymore.

maybe we could take a trip to see my extended family, go to a baseball game and my number 1 wish is to go back to disney but that might have to wait for next year.

i hope you fill your pages with fun things this year too, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1185 – new personal best 740′

Hi everyone,

The year isn’t over just yet….guess how far Corey walked today? ……… Ready?

520 feet from the Neuro Out Patient lobby through the back hall to the main gym (“the long way” as Corey says)
then she Biked on the NuStep for 17 minutes
then she walked back to the Neuro Out Patient center for an additional 220 feet (they took the short cut)

That’s right…Grand total… 740 feet with her forearm cane (with Natalie holding her steady at the hips)
I had the wheel chair ready as she backed up towards the seat but she wasn’t backing up, she started to sit! Needless to say the chair came to her and she was exhausted. Well deserved, she almost doubled her walk from Thursday.

Tomorrow we close the year with Aqua therapy. Tomorrow nights post will certainly be one we will celebrate together!!
Happy dreams, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1184 – Caregiver’s day-in-day-out

Hi Everyone,

The energizer bunny ran out of battery power Friday. Not Corey ~ ME! I took advantage of our nursing coverage as well as Caitlin and Corey’s permission to rest and I slept for nearly 21 hours.

Feeling recharged Saturday, the girls and I decided to go to an early movie. The last movie we attempted, in a movie theater, was summer of 2012. Corey did not like the noise or the size of the figures that appeared to be ‘coming at her’ so we left after 15 minutes. Last night we saw Disney’s FROZEN. This time we sat to the side of the screen, brought cotton for her ears and crossed our fingers. She enjoyed the movie thoroughly. She followed the story and laughed out loud at more then one scene. Within 30 minutes of exiting the theater, Corey had no memory of the experience.

This morning Corey’s internal alarm woke her at the usual 5 o’clock hour. After helping her to the bathroom, administering medications and returning her to bed, she called out to me; “Mom, I can’t go back to sleep”
M – why?
C – my body wants to sleep but my head won’t be quiet
I knelt beside her and asked, ‘why, what are you thinking about’
C – desserts
M – Desserts?!
C – How do you make Creme Brulee?
C – laughing out loud as she circled her pointer finger next to her temple she said, “I know, who thinks of desserts when they’re sleeping? It’s crazy”!
M – a chef, that’s who!

Day in and day out can be maddening for a TBI survivor and their family. Short term memory loss is one of the most difficult side affects to cope with. Corey’s “with us” one minute and gone the next, yet she’s always showing us she’s “in there”. Speaking from the family perspective, it can drain our energy. Somehow we have to keep one foot in the world of possibilities; constantly looking towards the future, researching the latest therapy and medications as well as keeping abreast and preparing for changes in the healthcare realm. The other foot mourns the loss of the person we knew, accepts our life has changed and forces us to acknowledge the human emotions we feel each day. We heal as we rediscover and fall in love with the person we live with today. Good days, bad days and most every day we are grateful we get another chance for a new life together.

Speaking with longtime friends this morning, they reminded me: Action leads to Reaction. Not all bad actions cause a negative reaction. Good can come out of bad. A positive action can cause positive reactions. Take a smile, a laugh, a shared moment that lingers with you as you work through the day’s schedule. Those moments shape our perspective. Perspective is the spark that ignites our chain reaction.

Life gives us moments. If we don’t take action by living a full life, those moments will not be discovered. Listening to Corey laugh, that’s a great moment!

C – It is important to have happy life moments to keep you going for the times that you’re doing something hard. They make positive memories and positive memories keep you going.
C – So no matter what, always keep a happy memory around every day, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1181 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

Corey was not happy about going to Bryn Mawr today and I knew today and Monday will be Insurance testing days (Corey’s not the only one stressed)…but off we went for a session with Natalie.

Corey arrived with a question prepared, “Natalie, how do you think I’m doing and I know this is a hard question to answer, but how long will it be before I’m all better?”

Natalie is always honest with Corey and is quite experienced at the art of distraction. She answers the question without answering the question and always has a positive spin.

N – well, let’s take a look at your chart. I know you don’t like when we ‘test’ you
N – but those numbers go on record to track your personal bests!
M – we should rename the chart “Corey’s Brag Book”.
Looking at Corey, we weren’t sure she was buying it.

N – let’s see, about two months ago you’re all time best for standing by your self was 1 minute and 25 seconds.
M – at home she’s currently up to 2 minutes!
N – hmmm, maybe you can show me that later.

N – last time we tested your timed walking you went from 305 feet to 320 feet in 6 minutes.
M – (Looking at Corey) You can walk farther then that.
Corey was starting to panic
M – Tell you what, let’s bet on it.
She raised one eyebrow.
M – If you don’t blow away that distance, you have to cook me breakfast and serve it to me in bed.
C – and if I win you have to cook me dinner and I don’t have to help chop or cut anything and you serve me and do the dishes.
M – DEAL but you have to use your arm cane
We shook on it.

Corey stood at the starting point, Natalie had the timer and her hands placed on Corey’s hips for stability, Jackie (our tech) had the measurement wheel and I had the wheelchair ready for fatigue backup…off we went.

I was teasing Corey that I was daydreaming about staying in my pajama’s as I smelled my omelette, toast, bacon and coffee; anticipating her waiting on me. She ignored my comments and remained focused.

When the alarm sounded Jackie looked at the measurement wheel…371 feet in 6 minutes! She wasn’t finished…she and Natalie rounded the corner to hit a session record of 441 feet. I will be cooking her victory dish this weekend.

Back in the gym with time to spare we decided to up the ante. Dinner was back on the betting table but we added dessert if she could beat her balancing record.
C – Mom it doesn’t have to be homemade because I know you don’t like to bake.
(it’s true we are not the best bakers but I think that was a strategic move to protect herself in case she didn’t beat her record)

Corey positioned her feet, held onto the parallel bars, locked eyes with me as Natalie set the rules. “let go of the bar when you’re ready to start, grab the bar if you think you need to but each touch of the bar is one try. You get best out of 4”. Ready…Go…

The gym is usually packed and very noisy. Today it was nearly empty because of the holiday. We stopped conversation to help her concentration. The silence was deafening! Corey’s eyes were fixed, I swear she didn’t blink and I was holding my breath afraid to distract her.

Best out of 4…Her new personal best – 2 minutes 56 seconds! The final number is impressive but what is more significant is recalling where Corey began. Her first ever attempt was 7 seconds, then 23 and 35 etc. just a few months ago. Each of the first 3 trials today recorded 1 minute 20 seconds or above. She’s getting stronger!

Today’s achievement came at the perfect time for both of us. Her progress can feel as if its moving at a snails pace day in and day out. Just when the both of us want to scream and say we’ve had it, another new personal best is recorded to keep us inching forward.

“How long until she’s all better”? We have no idea but we have to keep crawling and before we know it she’ll be up and running, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1179 – from Corey

Hi everyone it’s corey

before christmas I’d like to say how much it means to me. it’s my favorite day of the year.

I know that there are a lot of people who cannot leave their hospital room to be home with their family.
christmas is one of the most touching days there is I think.

and sure presents are cool but how about what it really means?
to be home with your whole family for one day a year.
if you do not have a family you can always pray to God because He is everyones family.

so i hope santa is good to all of you
merry christmas
love corey xoxo

3yrs; Day 1178 – from Corey; “note to self”

Hi everyone,

I keep thinking about the meaning of Christmas; celebrating the birth of Christ. Then I think of Corey. She is working on her rebirth everyday. It may sound odd, ‘rebirth’, but in many ways that’s what we experience. Her accident stripped her of everything she knew. Corey has had to relearn everything we taught her as an infant and toddler yet deep within has the knowledge, vocabulary and experiences of a young adult.

I am amazed at how far she’s come given the odds that were initially placed on her recovery. Physically she has achieved the ability to freely move one arm and both legs, she is now standing independently for 2 minutes, she can walk with assistance and can almost stand from a sitting position. We are still working on her strength to roll over on her side and sit up when she is laying on her back.

Cognitively, she continues to improve in many areas. She can speak, participate in conversations and hasn’t lost her sense of humor. She can recognize letters, write and type. Corey never liked math but can add numbers faster now then ever before (we tease she has the super power of Rain Man). She is still working on recognizing money as well as multiplication, subtraction and division. She does not have a sense of time. She does not know the year, month, day, week or time of day; these, as well as many other skills, we continue to work on.

Emotionally and Behaviorally we peel the onion every day. Overall, Corey is very happy and continues to develop learning how to appropriately express her fear, anger, depression and anxiety.

As I’ve mentioned before, Corey’s short term memory is our greatest daily struggle. It affects her disposition and controls her responses. We are researching and trying multiple strategies to trigger connections. Some of the tools we use to stimulate her memory are calendars, clocks, UNO cards, recipes, puzzles and an assortment of Apps on the Ipad to name a few.

Today Corey utilized one of our tools; Reminder Cards. Rather then answering the same question 100 times, I write the answer to her repetitive question on a 4×6 index card. When Corey asks her question, I counter with “where can you find the answer to your question?” – the reminder card. This morning she asked me for a pen and paper. She wanted to write the answer her self.
C – Where are we going today mom?
M – Today we are going to exercise with Natalie and then we are going to get last minute stocking stuffers for xmas
C – picking up the pen, she writes;

note to self
exercise with natalie
more exciting
shopping for stocking stuffers

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at her card. ‘Note to self’…we definitely need to title a chapter in her book after this one!

Corey continued to ask her question, forgetting her reminder card existed but I believe the real answer here is we are doing the best we can in the stage we’re in today. The TBI world uses the term ‘New Normal’, I prefer rebirth. It inspires thoughts of revival, regeneration, rejuvenation, renewal, reinvention…and recovery! xoxo