
Read Our Story!

2yrs; Day 926 – Hijacked on tax day

Hi everyone!

Wondering where I’ve been? Since Halloween (what month is it?) I’ve been trapped, held against my will and forced to make candy and sandwiches for my community. It would have been illegal, if they weren’t paying me, but lets not get bogged down with details. I’ve hijacked the Carepage tonight to celebrate Corey’s half birthday. Okay, so I’m late. You try typing when your fingers are covered in chocolate before you’re so quick to judge.

Tonight we’re announcing the third annual Laughter is the Best Medicine. This year we’ve chosen to celebrate on Corey’s 21st birthday weekend.

SAVE THE DATE: October 12, 2013

For those of you who are out of town (living outside the US is not a valid excuse) I’ve drafted this list of 21 reasons to persuade you to come and celebrate Corey’s birthday!

1. All of your friends will be there.
2. There will be a group toast. And maybe a Marie roast?
3. It’s almost like going to church: It’s in a church, it’s good for your soul, there’s optional drinking …
4. There’s nothing good on TV that night.
5. We’ll introduce you to my new characters! Unless you’re a clinical psychiatrist. In that case I will preform fictitious characters that I’ve imagined and in no way have become part of our personality.
6. Another year at the Wawa has added new material. New jokes, new laughs, new venn diagrams.
7. Another year at the candy store has taught me everything I need to know about children and child raising. This means this year I will be discussing parenting techniques. So if you’re a new parent struggling with how to say “NO!” or perhaps a new grandparent wondering just how much candy it takes for a sugar induced coma, I will be offering helpful observational suggestions.
8. Recently moved home into your parents basement and struggling with the transition? You’re not alone! I can help! Tips, Techniques, and Strategies will be discussed to help you survive the psychological adjustment you’re going through.
9. There will be snacks. If you bring them.
10. Having a hard time judging when the moment is right to bring up stories of your cat? No problem! I’ll be talking about my cat all night! Pictures from his last photo shoot will be presented! (I AM a photographer, it’s not weird)

If you want to know the next 11 reasons SAVE THE DATE:
October 12th, 2013

BE THERE! or one of my personalities will come and find you.
I mean “characters”…
…still not weird….WE will see you there!
Caitlin xoxo

2yrs; Day 923 – $ the cost of TBI $

Hi Everyone,

Corey and I met with Senator Patricia Vance today. Senator Vance is the Chair of the Public Health and Welfare Committee for Pennsylvania. We met to discuss how we can garner heightened awareness for TBI. In addition we discussed the lack of education, training and funding for research as well as long term acute/post acute care and rehabilitation required to regain functional improvement especially for a survivor of a severe injury.

The Center of Disease and Control recently updated their TBI statistics. 3.5 million Americans sustain a traumatic brain injury annually. That number represents the spectrum from concussion to severe injury. 5.3 million Americans have lifelong disabilities due to TBI. In the last 10 years, 244,000 service members were affected by TBI.

To put this in perspective 3.5 million injured;
~ Equals every individual currently residing in the State of Connecticut
~ Or represents every individual living in the states of Maine, New Hampshire and Rhode Island combined.

5.3 million Individuals living with permanent disabilities;
~ Equals every resident in the state of Minnesota
~ Or represents 80% of all residents living in Massachusetts
~ and/or represents 60% of all residents living in New Jersey.

TBI’s annual cost to the government is estimated to be $76.5 billion annually. The average lifetime health care costs for the TBI patient are roughly 85,000 for moderate to mild injuries and can exceed 3 million for severe injuries.

Each state shares the funding for their individual Medicaid/Medicare programs with the Federal Government. Pennsylvania has Waiver programs that assist with funding home and community based programs/services. Currently these programs and waivers are closed for admission and those that have “wait lists” are scheduled for significant budget cuts. The demand for the services exceeds the current financial capacity of the programs.

At the State level, we asked Senator Vance for her help in arranging a Senate hearing to educate our legislators. Although she agreed it could help the TBI cause, she was truly eager to brainstorm with us on how to reach a larger forum and how she could help promote Corey’s Story. We both agreed, she is the perfect “Poster Child” for a successful recovery.

We not only discussed networking within the state but Senator Vance also shared contacts at the Federal level. She offered to make introductions that we hope will lead to more effective networking. We brainstormed on strategies to move along the grass roots line utilizing local public media as well as working with the VA movement in order to reach national awareness.

Corey sat quietly for most of our meeting. At one point, Senator Vance explained some budgetary limitations that could explain the impending funding cuts. Corey interjected, “you’re spending time on the wrong things”. Senator Vance looked at me, smiled and turned back to acknowledge Corey’s statement; “for this cause, I can’t argue with you on that point”.

Overall it was a very productive meeting. Corey and I are very grateful to Senator Vance for her support, enthusiasm and willingness to promote greater awareness for TBI. We look forward to working with her, xoxo

2yrs; Day 922 – from Corey

Hi Everyone, we didn’t write to you last night because we were busy preparing for our next big appointment. Tomorrow we head to Harrisburg. We are hoping to carry the BIA message advocating not only for ourselves but for the thousands of families who haven’t found their voice yet.

This is Corey,
I’m going to tell the Senators how hard getting better is but you can not give up. Basically my life goal is to get better. I can not do this by myself. I need someone to hold onto me because I can not walk alone. If I did not have help I would be a lump of love. It makes me a little bit sad when families don’t get help because everyone should get help so they can get better like me. People can not be in a lottery. Everyone can get far if they can try.

Corey’s last two sentences are quite profound. She has no short term memory and yet she remembers hearing a mother’s call to the BIA-Resource line. The caller was asking for resources for her son. She mentioned on the call that her son’s Neurologist diminished their trauma to the following analogy; “‘Mrs. X, think of it this way, you played the lottery and lost”.
How can a person be denied the opportunity to try to recover? Why is this decision predicated on finances? Imagine if We allowed Corey to quit or took NO from someone that wouldn’t say YES!

We will be representing all families that deserve the right to try, xoxo

2yrs; Day 920 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey
Thank you everyone for helping me get better
You are encouraging me to get better
Without all of you I would not be getting better anymore
I met a girl today that was a lump of love like I was
I told her she can do it just like me
Do not give up or in
I did not give up and now I am here I am fine
I did not give up even though it was hard and now I am fine
I could not do anything either but I am not like that anymore
I am glad I can walk now
I have two legs that work
I can talk for ever and ever sooooo long
My sister is my favorite friend to talk to because she has been through everything I have been through with me
I can cook again
I can stand up while I am cooking
I have two arms that work
I can give stand up hugs
That makes me happy because my brother is tall and I could not stand up to give him a hug now I can
I used to pet Roxie and Amelia with my foot now I can pet them with my hands
Its hard to relearn everything but if someone works really hard they can do it no matter what

Thank you everyone for staying by me
Love Corey xoxo

2yrs; Day 916 – Corey’s Corner decision

Hi Everyone,


As you know Shelly and Corey’s accident was at the intersection of Route 841 & 896, in Franklin Township. Franklin Township first reported and requested a signal at this dangerous intersection the year Corey was born. As you know, we held a rally last year to bring attention to this unanswered request. Today we received a phone call that Governor Tom Corbett approved the funding for a light at “Corey’s Corner”!

Thank You Franklin Township, State Representative John Lawrence, Senator Dominic Pileggi, Ashleigh Frezza for creating the petition and everyone of our supporters that signed the petition and attended the rally. Together we have created a positive change protecting thousands of families on a daily basis for years to come, xoxo

Here is the link to the press release;
Signal Planned for 896/841 Intersection

2yrs; 6 months – from Corey

Hi Everyone,
(Dictated by Corey to Marie)

C – This is Corey. The evaluation went fine. Thank you for all your prayers. Nervous Nelly stayed away from me today. I was only Confident Corey.

C – Today I did great! I walked a lot with Natalie.

M – Corey’s evaluation was “on land”. She walked over 300’ throughout the first floor halls of Bryn Mawr. She climbed up and down a flight of stairs; facing forward! She also completed all her matte work including attempting to roll over and sit up independently. She was unable to complete that task but she’s getting closer!

C – The walker is so much fun. Do not listen to what other people say about walkers. I promise they are fun. I like walking with the walker because I can hold my weight and walk all by myself. It feels really good to walk again. I have to practice really hard because I want to walk on the beach. Personally I don’t think I am far away from that. I hate that I have to practice because I know I will be able to do it.

C – Tonight I cooked a new dinner.
M – We made Ratatouille.
C – It was super yummy! It feels good to cook because I am finally doing it again. I love cooking because the more I learn to cook the better the food will be that I will eat. Don’t you agree?

C- I missed cooking. I am happy that I am capable to do it now. It makes me happy. I am willing to practice cooking because I want to go to culinary college. Without practice I will not be able to go. Cooking is more fun than doing other things.

C – I am very happy that I am living. I hope you all are doing what you want to do with your life, xoxo

2yrs; Day 912 – Anxiety and Cognition

Hi Everyone,

What a day! The clock reads 9:30pm but Corey and I feel like its 3am.

It was a tough day for her as her anxiety is getting more severe as she continues to emerge. She floats between being cooperative and in the next breath she implodes, lashes out and becomes violent. During these episodes, we remain calm to talk her off the ledge and convince her she’s safe. Most times we can get her to re-engage so we get most of her session completed.

Despite her physical strides, she is considered minimally conscious. This is extremely difficult for most therapists and even our friends/family to understand because she appears to be on point, insightful, alert and aware. This is one of the greatest struggles for most TBI patients and their families. It is also the reason we continue to fight for long term rehabilitation including cognitive therapy. The difficulty with cognitive therapy is two fold. Most insurances consider it experimental and most therapists are used to treating a higher functioning patient. That leaves the lower to moderate level patients and their families to recreate the wheel so to speak.

Please pray that Corey’s anxiety levels will balance out and my patience will remain constant and/or increase!!

To close on a positive note; Natalie began her re-evaluation measurements. We have been working hard on Corey’s home therapy exercises to try and not only prevent further foot drop but hopefully regain some of her range of motion in the left leg and foot. Natalie’s measurement of the left foot showed Corey back up from zero to a +5!
See…we’re not just sitting around eating bonbon’s all day! Xoxo

2yrs; Day 909 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey.
I asked my mom what to write tonight
She told me it was Good Friday
I know it has something to do with Jesus
I pray to Jesus alot
I ask him when I will get better
I pray to keep going
If you dig deep inside your self you will believe
If you pray hard you will get strong
I do not know how long this will take but God needs to speed things up so I get better faster
If He does not speed things up I have to wait patiently
That is really hard

Love Corey xoxo

2yrs; Day 908 – Cognitive Therapy

Hi Everyone,

As you know Corey fights going to her therapy sessions daily. I counter the argument with the analogy that everything we do in life is a form of therapy, including shopping!

Retail Therapy is our latest version of Cognitive therapy. She is getting quite good at using the laptop, so naturally we had to look at several of our favorite retail chains and their new spring arrivals. Corey has always had a great sense of style. She picked some beautiful new clothes and shoes to match…thank goodness she didn’t have my credit card.

Our retail therapy includes setting a fictitious budget. Corey finds a website, searches for a specific product (i.e. Sun dresses), uses the mouse-pad to scroll through the product selections, chooses a design, chooses the color and size, and then adds it to the virtual cart. If she’s within budget she “wins”…if she’s over budget, she selects the items that need to be removed to fall within her budget; including shipping charges! I doubt we’ve created a new form of therapy but this is working quite well to keep Corey engaged and is a great distraction. What 20 year old doesn’t like on-line shopping?

She had a good session with Elaine, OT and Natalie, PT today. We travel with her IPad and chose one of her favorite Rock stations during OT. I sit across from Corey and mimic her movements as Elaine sits beside her to assist her left arm movements. We each held a 2’ length of bubble wrap. Listening to Maroon 5 and Adele, we raised the bubble wrap above our heads swaying our arms side to side, up and down, and twisting at our waist. Try this at home; it’s quite a work out!! Popping the bubble wrap is not only fun, it also works on fine motor control and strengthens her hand muscles.

Corey is still having issues with her left leg. The left leg muscles have increased in tone which inhibits her use of the Lokomat. My left shoulder and arm is not healing as quickly as I’d like which doesn’t help our matte work. Natalie enrolled me in PT101 today. She taught me several new positional techniques that should help relieve the stress on my arm yet help Corey stretch her hip and leg muscles. After our matte work we used Bryn Mawr’s double platform walker.

The platform has two elevated arm rests with vertical handles. Corey grasps the handles like joy sticks and rests her forearms on the platforms; they help support her upper body. I stand behind her holding onto the walker at her hips. We step together in unison as I advance the walker and Corey focuses on balancing her upper body, stepping heal toe. When people watch us walk together they often comment that it looks like we’re dancing. We have been practicing our new dance moves using the walker for the last few weeks. It’s not as easy as it sounds. Today we finally received Natalie’s approval ~ we can take the walker home and start using it on our own. Tomorrow we will try our new matte exercises and continue to practice our dance moves.

I asked Corey if she wanted to write something for the page tonight. She looked at me with heavy eyelids and simply said, ‘Good Night’.

Happy dreams everyone, xoxo

2yrs; Day 907 – from Corey

Hi everyone
This is Corey
I forgot to tell you that yesterday I went to Bryn Mawr rehab and I worked with Elaine
I was exercising my arm yesterday
My arm not only worked but it got better by 10 percent
Today I am getting better and I am having a really good day
I exercised today a lot, I helped my mom by letting her sleep after she went to the doctor and I practiced shopping online.
Hope you guys are having a good day xoxo