
Read Our Story!

3yrs; 8 months – from Corey

hi everyone its corey

i must say that it is a bit shocking to sign on here and notice that there are friends out there that i didn’t even know about. i suppose these friends like me from writing the Carepage with my mom.

this week i got 3 letters from friends on the carepage. it made me feel great and i like knowing how many people are out there reading what i have to say.

countdown update; 2 months to the wedding and only 16 days to graduation.

today i was balancing on a gigantic bouncy ball.
i bet that not everyone could accomplish that feat, i did! mom was happy it wasn’t her because she said she would fall off with the first reach. i did crunches and reaching working out my core. caitlin came with us today and we had Natalie laughing while we exercised.

thanks again for everyone writing me. it makes me feel like 1,000,000,000 bucks when you all write to me and when i get your notes and cards, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1336 – from Corey

Hi everyone, it’s corey

Today was a big day. mom went and signed all the papers that were needed for my graduating from avon grove high school. Yeah you did not misread that! really it is a bit hard for me to believe too; however, I am graduating high school and moving on to the next phase of my life.

I am excited for it and a bit nervous too but this is the way it’s supposed to be. I will be closing one door of my life to open a new one which will hopefully be bigger and better. what I really hope is that behind the next door there will be a kitchen!

We are starting a countdown to June 18th. Mom is already collecting tissues.
I hope you are having a good beginning of your weekend, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1335 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delayed post. Corey’s been battling the change of weather with more headaches!

She did write last night but came down with an intense migraine. By the time I got her settled, I fell asleep and forgot to post her entry (attached below)

Today was a big day at home and at Bryn Mawr.

Corey is using the walker to stand off the chair lift, walk down the hall, go to the pantry closet to pick out her breakfast, cross the kitchen to the stove, prepare her breakfast and carry it to the table. She repeated this with cooking grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.

When we arrived at Bryn Mawr, it was testing day. Great news, Corey beat all her best times. She walked 500 feet in 6 minutes, 5 sit-to-stands in 23 seconds, walked ten feet in 32 seconds and climbed the staircase. Just when we thought she was finished, Natalie brought out a yoga step. She introduced Corey to a new exercise we can do at home that will strengthen her left hip and leg.

Speaking of the Left side; we were notified that she was approved for the botox shots! The pre-authorization went through. As soon as we are notified of the serum shipment, she will start her first series. Corey will get shots once every 3 months in her left arm and left leg/foot. This technique was very successful for her on the right leg when she was inpatient. I’m hoping for the same results for her left side. Keep your fingers crossed her brain agrees!

We’ve added a new picture to the gallery. Corey will explain it to you below;

hi everyone its corey,

mom took a picture of me with my new homework. this is called poppin puzzles. other people may know about it as the game called perfection. it is something of a mind boggler. there are complicated shapes that have to fit in a specific place many of them are very similar, so it’s quite tricky.

it is fun for me to play but it is also a little bit challenging because you need to be thinking of all the places they could fit. sometimes the shapes look the same.

i hope you like my new pictures in the gallery, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1333 – from Corey

hi everyone its corey

i hope you had a good long weekend. it was long to show our gratefulness for all of those people who are fighting for us.

i think that it doesn’t take the average joe or susie to fight for our country. it takes a whole lot more than that. it takes people with guts to go in strong knowing that they might not come out strong. you have to be brave and have courage, when you dont know the end results

i had a fun weekend with my whole family. this week i will be getting creative with my exercising, not just for my body but for my brain also. today i hand wrote a letter to one of my old high school friends.

don’t you love to get a surprise letter in the mail?
i know that getting a surprise letter addressed to me is one of my favorite things. it make me giggle and feel great inside. maybe this week you can send a surprise letter to one of your old friends because mail makes everybody happy and its not a bill. bills do not make anyone happy!

happy tuesday, hope you are starting your week off right, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1328 – from Corey

hi everyone, it’s corey once again

we mentioned that we practiced walking at the grocery store this past weekend. today Natalie knew we did our homework. i walked 970 feet pushing a grocery cart. then, i walked another 30 feet in my new wedding sandals. that was about 1000 feat today. mom seems to think i spelled that word incorrectly, but lets face it that was an amazing feat to accomplish!

come to think of it, i guess it is a little bit strange to push a grocery cart through a rehab but hey whatever works right?

don’t worry that was the only weird thing i did today. maybe tomorrow i will come up with yet another strange form of therapy? just remember that even though you do something ‘weird’ it doesn’t mean you are weird; so have fun thinking of your own new and crazy way of living every day to the fullest, xoxo

3yrs; Day 1327- behavior; here we go again!

Hi Everyone,

I will not be reading today’s post to Corey but had to share what I believe is new cognitive progress.

Corey truly hates having “helpers”…that’s the new word she chose instead of nurses (she despises that title). She wants to be a “normal” girl and be in the house with just me. I am working with her on understanding Independence and working to wean her from always relying on me. Corey panics when we use that word b/c in her mind it means I’m leaving her and she will be alone, yet she wants to be alone.

It’s challenging to reteach the concept of autonomy and independence, especially when there is anxiety and fear that overshadows the lesson, then add in memory loss. We try to use the same description, utilizing the same words each time we reintroduce the concept.

This morning as I was dressing to leave for an appointment, I heard the usual temper tantrum in the kitchen from Corey directed at Denise. Corey did not want me to leave and did not want to be left alone with Denise. Denise had never worked with Traumatic Brain Injury prior to working our case…(talk about baptism with fire). She is a quick study! In the beginning, she was convinced Corey did not like her. What took the greatest time to overcome was her understanding Corey has severe short term memory loss. What we tell her is forgotten within minutes of her receiving it. Once Denise realized Corey’s outbursts were not truly directed at her and that she wouldn’t remember they occurred minutes after they were over, Denise knew what to do and how to handle it. (She’s also the mother of four…ages 15-10…she’s used to being in the trenches!)

Today Corey was in full scream, kick and yell mode. When I came down, Denise announced that she and Corey have agreed on an arrangement. Corey was sitting quietly but obviously still furious and wearing “the face”. She was turned away from Denise.
M – Great! What’s the arrangement Corey?
C – (never turning her head to acknowledge either of us), she stated, “I’m going to practice being alone”
D – If Corey wants to go to the bathroom, she can get up and use the walker to go to the bathroom. If she’s hungry, she can get up and make her own lunch. I will only help if she gets stuck and asks for my help. Other then that, she”ll practice being on her own.
M – Great idea! So does that mean you will sit here in silence all day or do you want the radio on while you’re alone?
C – (Using a sarcastic tone of voice) obviously I can see Denise is in the same room so I won’t be totally alone!
M – Brilliant and Astute! I think this is going to be a good day to practice independence knowing Denise is here as backup if you need her.

How great is Denise?
Corey did in fact get up with little assistance, used the walker to get around the house. She emptied the dishwasher, made her own lunch (egg salad – peeled, sliced and mixed independently) stood at the sink and did her lunch dishes and folded a load of laundry. She also made an apple crumb cake…we have to find less tempting cooking activities! The ladies had a good day together.

Corey is making many strides beyond the physical achievements. The cognitive, emotional and behavioral improvements are much slower but they are happening. Someone once told me a survivors cognitive improvement is like Swiss cheese…depending on the day you might get more holes then cheese, but savor the flavor every time you get a bite of the cheese.

When Corey gets upset and lashes out, she seems so present. I speak to her as an adult, treat her as an adult, explain why her behavior is not appropriate, she eventually comes off the ledge and has no memory of what we just discussed. I am consistently surprised when Corey explains, “I’m sorry mom, I don’t even know what I did”. That being said, every once in awhile, in moments of clarity when we are having the same discussion for the 40th time, she will repeat one of the mantra’s we use to explain how she needs to respond and not react. Its a sign that she is in fact hearing me AND retaining what is being retaught. In that minute, I feel like we are balancing on the cheese instead of falling into one of the holes, xoxo

Time, patience, breathe, release, regroup, respond, don’t react, breathe, stick to the script, reinforce, be confident, be calm, breathe, breathe, breathe….never give up, never give in, matter of time, ready…here we go again…

3yrs; Day 1326 – Supermarket therapy

Hi Everyone,

Yesterday was a big day! Corey is preparing to walk down the aisle for JohnPaul and Jackie’s wedding. She’s begun practicing with two young PT techs acting as practice groomsmen (one is super cute by the way). Corey does not want to wear her sneakers and leg brace with her bridesmaid dress. We have been searching for months for appropriate shoes that will support her ankle and foot.

The restrictions were challenging; no heel, no wedge, had to secure the front of her foot as well as the heel and ankle, etc. We have brought in a few selections but nothing has passed the “Natalie” test until yesterday…she said YES to the sandles!

Corey walked for more then 100 feet in the gym for her trial. We will bring her sandals with us each session to slowly build up her tolerance to walking the expected distance down the aisle.

This may seem silly to most of you but this will be the first “real” pair of shoes Corey has worn since her accident. She is beyond excited.

Today we added another first (for both of us). The changing spring weather has caused multiple headaches for Corey. She did not feel up to her workout at the pool. That doesn’t mean we stay home and take it easy! We headed to the grocery store with Denise, our day nurse.

We used Corey’s wheelchair to enter the store but once past the threshold we stood her up, she held onto the grocery cart, I stood behind her, Denise followed me with the wheelchair and the caravan took off towards the baking aisle.

I would need to measure in order to give you the accurate distance but I can tell you she walked for 14 aisles. I can also tell you it was hard work for both of us! We both found it challenging to concentrate, push the cart at the right pace, steer the cart forward, I guided Corey’s left leg and she had to remember to lift her left foot. We made it to the cake section and both of us were ready to sit down! Corey’s only complaint was her hands and arms hurt…probably because she held on with a death grip…I know I was!

Despite the heightened level of concentration, I was very aware of how amazing it was for the two of us to be holding onto our cart walking together through the grocery store.

Two more 1st’s = such gratitude! xoxo

PS, Corey chose a TYE DYE cake that was not only beautiful when we cut it open but tasted amazing! (updated pictures soon)

3yrs; Day 1324 – from Corey

I can’t remember what I forgot – Corey Beattie

hi everyone its corey

i am in a really weird place today because 1st i will think of something and not know how i relate to it.

i must say i hate not remembering what i am supposed to be doing and to be honest, the worse part is not remembering what i thought of in the first place.

you see brain injury to me is such a dirty word. it goes a lot deeper than you may think. i think of myself as someone who often forgets…that’s all. i hate the label.

it is really weird to live a whole day simply to end up not remembering where you started your day off. the brain is a weird thing, names will randomly pop into my head. other times my brain plays funny tricks on me. i will remember something from the past and do not remember why i remember it?

my mom says that this is all good, because it is a sign that my brain is making connections, but then i ask what is wrong with me number1 and number 2 when can i be normal? the problem is i never remember her answer! mom says its “not forever, it is just for now”. my next question? how long is “for now” then? and then, rubbing her head, she says “your killin’ me smalls”!

i can’t remember much of anything but i still remember how to drive my mother crazy!!!!
hope you can remember if you had a good weekend xoxo, love corey

3yrs; Day 1321 – therapy update

Hi Everyone,

We have quite a bit to tell tonight.

Yesterday was a busy day. I had a morning of appeals, (that was the most difficult part of our day), then we headed to Bryn Mawr for an appointment with a pain management specialist. Dr. F evaluated Corey for possible botox injections for her left arm and her left leg from the knee down including her foot.

It is not uncommon for a TBI survivor to display increased tone from time to time post injury. Her left arm contracts as she walks and when sitting in a relaxed position. If the elbow stays bent indefinitely the muscles are shortened causing her difficulty when she tries extending the arm to a straight position. The good news, we can get her arm to a straight position when we “work it out” so it’s not “locked”. Unfortunately, it contracts almost immediately back to the bent position. If we didn’t exercise her everyday, it could lock in the contracted position. Fortunately, we’re pre-empting that possibility and not at that point yet.

Botox to the front of the shoulder and under the arm pit will help release that “hold”. He does not want to shoot behind her shoulder in fear that it would weaken the muscles and she wouldn’t continue to raise her arm.

Corey’s left foot is a serious concern as well. Her foot is dropping again, her toes curl when she walks and it appears the calf muscles are tightening causing her to drag her left toe rather then lift her leg to take a step forward. Again, this is common. The brain is sending signals to override the muscles. Why? It’s part of the healing process. Connections are being made in so many areas its not surprising the brain overrides other gains to compensate for the new strides. Botox will help her release her heel, toes and we hope, improve the flow of her gate when walking.

Speaking of strides…we are taking “Retail Therapy” to a new level!

Corey is making great strides walking about the house with her platform walker. She is continuing to practice walking with her forearm cane but that is physically harder on my body, as she needs my assistance. Today in Corey’s PT session, Natalie wanted to try using a traditional walker. The traditional style requires the arms to be lowered from waist height to thigh height. It is our hope to move Corey from a platform walker to a traditional walker to using two forearm canes and then walking independently. The traditional walker is still premature, but Natalie came up with another idea….a Grocery Cart!

Corey stood upright behind a grocery cart and with me guiding the front (for speed control) and Natalie guiding her hip and left leg, Corey walked pushing the grocery cart down the halls of Bryn Mawr!

We have a new homework assignment…this is where the retail therapy comes in…Corey already makes our weekly grocery list and helps me shop. Now she will not only be choosing the items, she will be pushing the cart to select them! Natalie also suggests we try an excursion to Target (the wider aisles may be easier to maneuver then the grocery store). One thing is for sure…if we go to Target, I’m leaving my wallet in the car! Corey actually chimed in to say, “That’s okay Mom, the grocery store is more fun for a Chef anyway”.

If any of our local friends need anything at the Giant, Corey’s your girl…she’ll be happy to pick up whatever is on your list and she’ll even clip your coupons and probably whip up the dinner for you too! Come to think of it…this could be her new business…Chef Corey; shop, chop and serve…(we might have to work on the tag line) xoxo

3yrs; Day 1319 – from Corey

if you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it. if you do not ask, the answer will always be no. if you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place – Author Unknown

hi everyone its corey,

i agree in some ways like if you do not work hard your life will never change and it will always be stagnant, so you must work your hardest for what you really want. you must live the life you want to live.

just because you may be afraid of something does not mean you shouldn’t try it any way because the results may be way better than either you are thinking or you have been told.

i am afraid to meet new people and when we had to be introduced to natalie, my coach, i’ll admit i was a bit scared; however, going and meeting her has turned out with great results…I’m learning to walk again! and can you imagine if i were afraid to cook without trying new recipes? my restaurant would only serve peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ramen noodles with a side of macaroni and cheese.

so, todays inspiration is color outside the lines, skip down the street, turn on the radio and sing to the song off key, paint your nails a new color, write a note with your opposite hand and don’t be afraid to try something new everyday, xoxo