Hi Everyone,
The nurse reported that Corey had an “angry” day but participated in all her therapies. Speech likes to vary the materials she uses with Corey. When the kids were preschool age, I collected several flash card sets to help them with word families, phonics, sounds, nouns etc. Diane had great success utilizing these cards today. Corey pronounced the initial “B” to several words. She is now clearly lifting her tongue to the roof of her mouth to pronounce the “N” sound. Every day Corey displays a new sound or improved articulation of a current word she and Diane are working on. In PT/OT Corey’s range of motion is improving. We need to focus on increasing the length of time she’s standing to gain greater weight baring ability.
Normally I return home by 6pm for my shift. It’s actually my favorite time of day with Corey. We are alone and have the opportunity to quietly sit and talk. Tonight I wanted to ask her questions to allow her to express whatever has been bothering her for the last two days. She was very open with me (writing her answers). She admitted it was a “pissed off” day. She reiterated that she’s feeling frustration that she’s not better yet. I asked her to tell me what specifically was getting her angry. She wrote “I’m a baby” and “can’t talk”. She also wants to “walk”.
I reminded her that although all the broken bones have healed, her brain is still healing. It’s going to take time. The therapy team has to ask questions to find out all that she knows. She wrote “I don’t know things”. I reassured her; “It’s normal to forget some things right now, but it’s coming back much faster than anyone thought it would”! “The truth is, you do know what you want to say, but your body hasn’t caught up to your mind”. “It will”. “It’s just hard to be patient”.
We have been home for 13 weeks. I believe the progress Corey has made is due in some small part to being home but largely due to the intense therapy we have given her on a daily basis. The last 11 months have been difficult trying to balance work and Corey’s recovery needs. In March, I applied and was approved for FMLA (Family Leave) just in case we needed it. FMLA allows 12 weeks off for an individual or family member that requires medical leave. Corey’s clinical care and therapy needs have recently escalated to a level that I feel it necessary to be with her on a fulltime basis. When I think of the progress she’s made with maintaining my work schedule, just imagine what she will do over the next 12 weeks with 100% focus on her recovery! I am well aware that Corey will not make a full recovery in the next 12 weeks; however, it is my hope that she will gain strength, endurance, agility and continue to make strides in her communication skills. During the next several weeks I will not only participate in that process, I will also continue to research any new techniques, studies and cutting edge discoveries that will help her regain her abilities to communicate and function independently. When I told Corey that beginning next week I will be home to help her with her therapy, she smiled.
I am very grateful to have this opportunity to focus on Corey. I truly appreciate my management, colleagues and clients support to allow us this time to heal together.