HIJACKED! Breaking news at 11 (almost)
Our friends, family, and entire community have done so much for my sister and my family that it is time for me to have a little fundraiser of my own.
I have been brainstorming ideas for months but haven’t been having a lot of luck. Ideas like a Feng shui-athon, Avocado Eating Contest, Half Baked Sale, Fruitcake Swap Night, and even a Punching Booth may not have been successful fundraisers but I do have ONE idea that might work.
The event will be held Saturday, October 1st at New London Presbyterian Church, Christian Life Center, 125 Saginaw Road, New London, PA 19352; from 7pm – 9pm. Tickets are $10 at the door. With your ticket you also receive an exclusive “Laughter is the Best Medicine” wristband. The money that we raise together will go directly to Corey Beattie and her recovery.
We have to give the church an estimated guest count. I’ve posted this event on Facebook but for those of you, who may not have a Facebook page, please RSVP to my email;
caitlinbeattie@gmail.com or leave a comment on this post. Don’t forget to check out the poster that I created in the photo gallery!
Here is a tentative list of comedians you can expect to see:
Caitlin Beattie
Conan O’Brien
Ida Zimmerman
Joshua Zimmerman
Edna Zimmerman
and Olga the Russian
So many surprises in store if you come. Bring your friends! Bring the family! Let’s have standing room only!
Sincerely Yours,
Caitlin Beattie
Sr. Vice President Corey Beattie Fundraising Committee
Special Event Coordinator