Goodbye Irene!
We were actually very lucky considering what we could have endured. We did lose electricity and Corey was not at all happy about moving from her bed to the matte in the middle of the night. All in all we did well without the help of our nurses. Unfortunately, they did not weather the storm and each shift called out Saturday and Sunday.
Thank you to our friends, neighbors and family for calling to check on us and coming over with extra water (my brilliant idea of filling the tub failed – plug didn’t hold and drained our supply…lesson learned for next time).
Despite the bad weather, Corey and I had a great weekend. I didn’t push her too much to exercise because she’s recently been sore and thought she could use a slower weekend. We played games, chatted “a lot”, read cooking magazines, people magazines but the most fun was watching Amelia and Jade. We now have a “Cat Condo” delivered last Friday. Its carpeted and stands about 4 feet high. It has two square beds that step down in size and one barrel shaped cubby. It sits next to Corey’s dresser so she can see them from her bed. She loves it! Jade is much bigger than Amelia. He’s her older brother. Corey was laughing out loud watching Jade trying to “fit” in the top bunk as Amelia tried to claim the top bunk for herself pushing Jade out! It took some time but she successfully staked her claim. She can be very persuasive; he moved to the bottom bunk! Somehow watching these two cats reminded me of several “negotiations” between JohnPaul and Corey!
We ended the weekend on an incredible high note. For the first time, Corey officially gave a thumb up with her LEFT thumb ~ on command! Not only that but she has been wiggling her left toes and rocking her left ankle side to side all day. Sue Ford from the Candy store was visiting with us and shared this monumental achievement.
Corey, you don’t remember 6 months ago but Sue would come to Bryn Mawr cheering you on to wiggle your right toes. She would also play thumb wars for hours with you trying to encourage your right thumb to move. Just think what you will be doing in another 6 months? Sue is convinced you’ll be back on the schedule dipping strawberries for Valentines Day orders. PS – they’re my favorite so I think we’ll put this activity on the therapy “to do” list!…It’s all coming back kiddo!
For tonight the rain has stopped, the winds have settled, the stars are out, and it’s calm and quiet. Our regular nurse comes tonight so we can both sleep peacefully. Happy dreams sweetie. I love you, xoxo