PT shared that Corey had a good session with them today. They have been using the wedge to position her on her stomach. She is doing a very good job of holding her head independently and this position is giving her a good trunk stretch.
Corey and I watched Toy Story 3 tonight. I swear she was actually watching and enjoying the movie. She was positioned on her right side with her legs bent to the left. The nurses place a pillow between her legs and under her ankle for comfort. It’s also to keep skin away from skin. As we were watching the movie, I noticed she was moving her legs under the blanket. Sure enough, she was moving her right foot in circles slowly nudging the leg to a straight position! I also noticed that the left knee was lifting up from the pillow. I had Nick come in to witness and document this! (Her right leg is her soccer leg) It’s the most movement he’s seen from her to date.
Corey, keep it up honey! We need you to be movin’ and groovin’ so these doctors, nurses and therapy team can keep you on your recovery path. Rest now, tomorrow you can show off all day! We are so proud of you, Happy Dreams xoxo