Hi Everyone,
Corey had a very good day. She started her day with OT. Today’s exercise focused on trunk control. The therapist sits her on the edge of the large mat, helping her to balance. He redistributes her weight to work on her core muscles. While she sits, we try to get her to focus, follow commands and watch to see if she’s tracking a stimulus. She was definitely focusing today! When asked to “find Mom”, she moved her eyes from right to midline and held the focus for several minutes. She closed her eyes with a long blink and then repeated the process several times.
The therapist uses different objects to work on her tracking. We use the pictures many of you have sent like flash cards. We didn’t see her connect to any one in particular until we showed her on of Meghan McMahon.
Meghan, now 18 months, is my niece Katie’s daughter. Katie and Billy were expecting their 2nd child this summer. Katie was on bed rest and needed help watching (actually chasing) Meghan (aka the Tazmanian Devil). Corey had a great time in Brigantine with Katie, Billy and Meghan. She came home with funny stories and memories of spending time with the McMahon’s. As we held Meghan’s picture, we shared a few of those stories. Corey was listening and held her focus on Meghan, even when we moved the picture to test her tracking! It made us so happy to see that she connected to Meghan.
PS – baby #2 was a boy. Corey loved getting to know Liam, too!
My sister Louise came to visit this weekend. After OT, we took Corey for a long walk on the grounds including a visit to the goose pond. It was a beautiful day and we spent 2 hours outside, but then she let us know it was nap time.
Louise and I were sitting with Corey as she woke from her nap. We were reading cook books and cooking magazines. Corey was wide awake. She was very alert and appeared to be listening to our recipe swap. Many of you know that Corey wants to attend Johnson & Wales for Culinary Arts. She is currently enrolled in the local tech high school in the CA program. I was sharing with Louise that Corey often dreamed of recipes. One in particular was a dish she named, “Chicken Olivetta.” In one pan, sauté black olives, onions, mushrooms and rosemary in olive oil. In the second pan, sear chicken. When the chicken is seared, move it to the olive pan, cover and allow the flavors to marinate/steam the chicken until its tender. As the chicken cooks, Corey made wild rice and asparagus. IT WAS AMAZING! We can’t wait to taste the collection of recipes she must be dreaming up now!
Change of plans; Corey’s nurse is going to recommend that the trach not be removed tomorrow. She showed signs of labored breathing tonight and when she yawned, he took the opportunity to look at the back of her throat. It appears that she’s got some swelling in the back of her throat. He’s requesting that she be seen by the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor this Thursday. It could be nothing but we think it’s very wise to check her out. It’s better to keep a secure airway until we know she’s okay to breath freely on her own. What are a few more days? It’s also another comforting sign that she is getting the very best care.
We left her sleeping comfortably. Happy dreams Corey. Meghan and Liam can’t wait for you to come back to play! xoxo