Hi Everyone,

Corey had another busy day. She had 4 hours of PT/OT/Speech. She also had a chest x-ray. The nursing staff ordered the x-ray to double-check her lungs. Good news, they are clear but she does have tracheal bronchitis (upper repertory infection). This is normal for someone that has had a trach in for this length of time. She’s started antibiotics and that should do the trick.

Despite her long day, Corey was very alert for most of the night. Someone asked me what do we do when we’re with Corey? What is Corey like when we say she’s alert?

When we’re with her we chat just like we do when we’re home. We talk about who called for her, read the notes on the care page, read letters, books and articles from the gossip magazines. She has to keep up with the Kardashian’s and Teen Mom scandals! We show Corey pictures of her friends, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. We do mini-PT sessions moving her hands to continue working her muscles. We also ask her questions trying to get her to respond to commands.

When she’s alert, her eyes are wide open. She looks straight at you and holds her focus. There is a saying that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Corey’s blue eyes speak to us. We have not heard fear. We have heard sadness a few times. She doesn’t seem confused but has expressed frustration. Tonight, it was interest. Corey’s gaze sent the message, “tell me more”. Think about the feeling you get when you connect with someone eye to eye. You have a warm sensation that draws you into the conversation. That’s what it is like when she looks at us. We can see in her eyes, she’s listening. She recognizes us. She’s engaged in the connection.

This brief description does not express the emotions that rush within us when she’s alert. We know she’s “IN THERE”. You can feel it.
She has begun to express herself and someday soon she will vocalize it. (Maybe we should be careful what we wish for!)

When I look at Corey, I am reminded of an important lesson. We have today. This day also gives guarantees – it will change minute by minute. We can make plans for what we think might happen but inevitably it will not be what actually did happen. Corey is allowing her day to flow naturally. She has no agenda. She’s not fighting the schedule that others have set for her. She is letting her day unfold and we’re seeing the results. She’s resting, exercising and she’s getting stronger.

Sweet dreams Corey. We love you very much! xoxo
Thank you for reminding us to stay in today!