Hi Everyone,
It’s hard to believe that it’s been three weeks today that Corey started her journey!
We found a piece of paper in her backpack today. It was her Senior Quote sheet for the yearbook. We thought you might like to read what she chose as her quote.
“We must face tomorrow, whatever it may hold, with determination, joy and bravery” – Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium.
How appropriate and what a wonderful reminder for us.
Bryn Mawr wants to ease her into her routine. Today and tomorrow will be initial evaluation days. Well if today was an easy day, Miss Corey is in for it on Monday!
OT (occupational therapy), ST (speech therapy) and PT (physical therapy) began their visits. The three teams start by evaluating her muscles tone and range of motion. The concern is that the longer she stays in a sedentary position, the higher the risk that her muscles will contract and “not give”. Another reason to get her to rehab ASAP. She’s tight but not inflexible, that’s a good thing.
The team got her up sitting on the side of the bed (with assistance). They also fitted her for her wheelchair. Corey is not talking but speech was trying to get her to open her mouth. Little bugger hates when they take her temperature or try to brush her teeth. She clenches down and won’t open up to say Ahhh. ST assured us they know tricks she hasn’t figured out yet! Moving her up out of bed also helps her to cough. This is really important because it helps keep her lungs clear. She still has some residual junk that needs to keep moving up and out.
The biggest surprise for us – she got a shower tonight! The rehab has a special gurney that is wheeled into the shower. Water therapy is very comforting. The staff loves when they get young girls as patients because they always use “girly” lotions, shampoos and body wash. She smelled great! Her spa session was at the end of the day and put her right to sleep. Poor little thing was wiped out and we could tell she was in a deep, sound sleep. We understand why the rehab is so strict about their visiting hours.
She is working so hard and needs to have that rest…Happy dreams Corey xoxo
God bless you!
Please keep those prayers coming and thank you for including prayers of strength for all of us! We appreciate your love and support.
The Beattie’s