Houston, we’ve been cleared for lift off! She’s been cleared to leave for Bryn Mawr late this afternoon.
Corey has been resting and very quiet the last few days. She will need her rest because when she arrives, the “real” work begins.
The last 3 weeks she’s passed the preliminary trials. Now she will be focused on the marathon. We hope it doesn’t take her 4 years to win the Gold, but whatever it takes we will be there to continue to help train with her, support her and cheer her on.
We left Christiana Hospital late this afternoon. The staff all came to say goodbye. Even the staff that had the day off called and texted to send their well wishes. She had quite a fan club on 2A ICU!
Corey is all settled into her new room, she even has the bed next to the window! The first thing we did was hang her collage posters to surround her with friends. Her Phillies Bear, Sleeping Beauty Barbie doll, princess blanket and pillow now make a hospital room a bit more like home.
We’re glad she rested up because her schedule beginning on Monday is going to be rough! She will have 2 hours of physical therapy twice a day, 1 hour of occupational therapy twice a day, as well as speech therapy and visits from the clinical and neurology team each day. Her therapy is 7 days a week.
We know local friends want to visit right away but we’ve been asked to give Corey at least 3 to 4 weeks before she starts getting visitors. She will be working very hard and will be too tired to see visitors until she begins to build her stamina. When Corey starts to get stronger, that’s when we are going to rally the troops to come in. It will be good for her to see her friends again. We were also told that in a few months, we can bring in Roxie our dog. They love pet therapy! Amelia, the cat won’t be coming though. She can’t handle the trip to the vet let alone rehab. Visiting will be Saturdays and Sundays when Corey’s ready.
Fundraising Update;
Nicole and Lexi are the Bracelet Bandits! The report is that they are selling fast and furiously. When Lexi isn’t selling bracelets at the high school, she is a waitress at The Wedge restaurant off of 896. The management heard about Corey and has generously offered to join the fundraising team. November 2nd, if you’d like to treat yourself to dinner and mention Corey’s name, they will donate 15% of your bill to her Healthcare fund!
Here’s an enticing addition to Shelly’s “No Shave November” fundraiser. Chris, Corey’s old coach, has agreed to shave his head.
Hold on… here’s another hook – Corey’s Uncle Tom (the one that nicknamed our vegetarian daughter “MEAT”) is raising the bar. Highest bidder will buy his shaving both his legs! Tom’s wife Marjy has already bid $100 to see that!
Stay tuned for details for all these events to honor our Corey girl! These fundraising ideas are going to be so much fun and we know Corey would love each of them. They reflect the humor, energy and vitality that we all admired in her!
Time to rest now. Tomorrow the PT and OT teams begin their evaluations. When we left her room tonight she was sleeping and looked so content. Happy dreams Miss Corey. We love you! xoxo