2yrs; Day 850 challenging days, sleepless nights

Hi Everyone, Just a quick update tonight; Our morning session with Kate started out poorly but we talked through Corey’s disorientation to complete a fun object hunt. Kate had several items in a large box. Corey’s task was to try to name each item. There were 12;...

2yrs; Day 849 – team effort

Hi Everyone, Yesterday we reminded ourselves to have patience with the time it takes to make changes. Corey has been very frustrated with her progress and her memory loss over the last few months. We try to remind her of where she was and how far she’s come. One...

2yrs; Day 848 – Change what we cannot accept

Hi everyone, A friend of mine posted a saying on Facebook that I will now adopt as our new mantra. “ACCEPT the things you cannot change and CHANGE the things you cannot accept” (author unknown) The first half of this sentence gently reminds me to have more...

2yrs; Day 877 – Resilience defined

The real essence of strength is in resilience ~ Ralph Marston Resilience starts with your own sense of attitude. It is how you react, recover and respond from situations ~ Jeffrey Gitomer Resilience is the ability to work with adversity in such a way that one comes...

2yrs; Day 845 – One day at a Time

ONE day’s crosses and one day’s tasks – I try to shoulder these for that is all You ask. DAY by day, I pray that I may hear You and then heed Your whisper in my soul to find the strength I need. AT every moment, may I seize the “present” of this day. Let me not regret...

2yrs; Day 844 – Together we will be heard

Hi Everyone, Last night I literally fell asleep at the computer preparing for our next appeal. The preparation last night and today caused me to reflect on this crazy ride we’ve been on. I am amazed and grateful for each of Corey’s accomplishments. Her progress...