
Read Our Story!

2yrs; Day 1040 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey
I haven’t gotten bored yet so I am still writing
Tonight I want to talk about teaching
We all teach each other important things that ultimately help us get through our day
You write to me and encourage me to keep going
I hope to teach people the happy side of life
Someday I hope to teach people that can’t cook how to cook and how to stay healthy
I hope you all have a good night and hopefully I do too, xoxo

2yrs; Day 1039 – from Corey

Hello Everyone,

This is Corey
Tonight, August 6th, I was sitting in my chair waiting for mom to arrive from the grocery store.
I was hoping she would get frozen yogurt.
Caitlin was doing a project on the computer.
She asked me to pick colors for a flyer.
I googled what happens to be my favorite color, purple.
I looked on google images for purple and pink because those are my two favorite colors.
I found a purple flower, turned the Ipad around to show Caitlin and she was surprised that I found Google and Google images.
She did not know I know where to type things in!
I really like working on the computer so I can’t wait for more projects, xoxo

PS Mom got sugar free fudge tracks!

2yrs; Day 1038 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey
I had a really bad headache today but other then that I am fine
Sometimes its hard to answer the question why I’m fine
I think its because I take time to pray before I go to sleep at night
I ask to get better to be by myself
I get mad because I don’t want therapy anymore
I don’t want nurses anymore
God says its a matter of time
That answer does not make me feel good because I need a definite answer
Even though I don’t like that answer I keep going anyway
If your frustrated take your time it will happen eventually but its still hard

2yrs; Day 1034 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey
Today I was working out in the water
I walked in the water
I stepped forward backward and side to side
I had to lift both my knees to walk
It was mostly easy but a little bit hard
Sometimes it is hard to think and move at the same time
I am learning how to swim in the water so I can do it by myself
I did back stroke and side stroke
I kept rolling on my side so I guess side stroke was easier
My exercises will help me move on the ground
I also put my legs on the side of the pool and did stomach crunches
So basically I was working out my abs
Soon enough I will find my six pack because right now its hiding
When I got out of the pool I was like jello
My legs were really wobbly
Do not forget everyday just keep swimming, swimming, swimming

This is Marie;
Corey’s favorite Disney princess is ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (the irony of that still makes me smile) This month I think she’s turning into the Little Mermaid!

We hope you enjoy video of today’s swim sessions.

Corey Beattie Water Warm Up

Corey Beattie Aqua Woman (learning the elementary back stroke)

Corey Beattie Water Walking

2yrs; Day 1033 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey
Thank you for writing back to me
I like everyone to know what I did because it makes me feel proud of what I accomplished
Today I walked on the Lokomat without the robot
I had straps on (Lokomat harness) and Natalie helped my left knee bend
That can be hard for some people but for some reason it was not hard for me
I think it was not hard for me because I am exercising and getting stronger
Someday I know I will walk all by myself

2yrs; Day 1032 – from Corey

Hi Everyone,

This is Corey
I want to tell you that everything lately has been going A-Okay
I am working hard exercising
I can’t wait to do things on my own, graduate and go to college
Do not get upset
If you get upset it will get in your way
There is always another day waiting for you
Do not forget what you are doing because everything has a reason
Things take awhile and no one knows how long it will take
Be patient
Do not give up or in
Because someday you will get what you want

2yrs; Day 1030 – Corey’s bedtime story

Hi Everyone,

Things are slowly getting back to normal. I am feeling much better. The incisions are still sore but healing well. My energy level has not returned as I expected but hopefully will increase this coming week.

The kids were home over the weekend to help with Corey. It’s always fun to have them here. Caitlin and Corey were playing on the Ipad reminiscing about the stories they used to write together. We had a bedtime ritual when the kids were young. I would introduce the beginning of a sentence and they each would add a new sentence in turn. As you can imagine, the stories were very creative.

Caitlin thought it would be fun to create a new story with Corey. She would initiate the sentence and Corey would type the additional sentences needed to carry the story line. Needless to say, the giggles filled the room as they created my “bedtime story”. Happy dreams, xoxo

(Caitlin) Once Upon a Time
(Corey) there was girl with nothing to do, but her brother was full of ideas.
(Caitlin) One of those ideas
(Corey) was leaving home to join the regular atmosphere. That they would
leave the circus and act like everyone else.

(Caitlin) So that night,
(Corey) they decided to go shopping at the mall because they needed to
get clothing that matched everyone else.
(Caitlin) When they were finished
(Corey) they went back to their home and there, their cat was crying meoowwww! because it needed more attention.

(Caitlin) They…
(Corey) packed up their clothes in a suitcase for a week because that’s how long they expected to be gone for. Then their mom noticed what they were doing and asked them where they were going. They said “Oh, do not worry. You know, the circus.” But their mom said “Do not go without me! Do not leave because then you will be leaving without me because I did not know you were leaving!” And they said “do not worry eventually we will be back in one week” And they went bye bye.

(Caitlin) They…
(Corey) decided to go to Rye New York because they have family that live there so obviously they knew their way around. They walked all day and night when finally they arrived.
(Caitlin) The first person they saw
(Corey) that morning was the president of the United States. He was there because he had to guard the state from getting hurt by evil people. By people who were evil against the state.
(Caitlin) When they saw the president
(Corey) they said “Hi! welcome to our state!” and the president replied, “well thank you for my invite I’m happy to be here.”

(Corey) After walking all the way to NY from the circus the two really missed their mom. They also really missed their middle sister who is a famous actress in the circus.
(Caitlin) Known for her beautiful smile
(Corey) but really smelly toes. So they decided to leave NY and go back to their home.

(Caitlin) When remembering their adventure,
(Corey) their favorite part will always be Caitlin and smelling her smelly toes.

The End.

2yrs; Day 1027 – Aqua Therapy

Hi Everyone,

Corey’s migraines have downgraded to headaches which is a significant improvement! We were grateful she was feeling better in order to participate in a special opportunity. Aqua Therapy! A close friend of mine introduced us to Paul who has studied and worked ‘in the water’ for 35 years. His specialty is working with orthopedic and brain injury patients.

A young man, currently 36, was injured in a car accident when he was 21. When Paul began working with him, his limbs were contracted to a point that his body locked in the fetal position. Paul worked with him in the pool multiple times per week for several years. Today this young man is not only walking, last year began to drive the family riding mower to help cut his mothers grass.

Paul didn’t know what to expect from Corey. He had the chair lift prepared expecting her to be a maximum assist for transferring from her wheelchair to the pool. He was thrilled that she is a one person assist to not only walk on the pool deck but descend down the pool stairs into the water.

The temperature of the pool is 90 degrees. This is a key component to aide in releasing the tone of her left side.

Corey’s weekly activity varies within each of her therapies. Her most intense exercise is walking on the Lokomat for 20 minutes per week. Today she had a 45 minute swim session.

She had an inflatable neck roll, flotation waist belt (similar to a water skier’s belt) and a pool noodle under her arms. Corey began on her back. We held her ankles as she pulled herself towards us, bending her knees, then pushed back against us (leg squats). Staying on her back, keeping her knees together, she pulled her knees up as she rolled to alternate sides trying to reach knee to shoulder. Next, clam shells ~ bent knees, open/close. Her final exercise included her arms to fan “water angels”.

Once Corey was warmed up it was time to swim. Remaining on her back, we put flippers on her feet. She kicked off the side of the pool to kick across the length of the pool. Paul encouraged her to move her arms to assist her momentum allowing her to complete her first back stroke. After a few laps he taught her how to roll onto her right side to swim on her belly ~ doggie paddle, free-style, it didn’t matter, she was kicking and moving forward!

Next was water walking; a skill that will take time especially wearing flippers! As Paul says, ‘you can’t walk in the water with flippers without lifting your knees’ and he was right. Corey doesn’t lift her left knee on land when she walks. We tease her calling it her Frankenstein walk, especially when she’s tired. She not only lifted her left knee, she took 6 steps forward. The steps weren’t very graceful but they counted!

Her final exercise was to sit on a flotation seat and swivel her legs side to side working her core muscles. Just when she thought she was finished he pushed her for one last exercise. Standing across from the ladder, she held the bars to lean in for a series of push-ups. That did it! She was wiped out and ready for land.

Today’s opportunity was initially arranged to be a one time consultation to teach us the water techniques we could use at the YMCA. Paul was pleasantly surprised with Corey’s strength, flexibility, agility and lack of fear for the water. At the end of her lesson he has generously agreed to work with Corey through August!

I remember leaving Corey’s room at Bryn Mawr, walking across the parking lot to the ‘dorms’, sitting in my little room wondering, wishing she would walk, talk and eat. I’ve watched her push through frustration, exhaustion and pain all the while hoping but never completely confident my wish would come true. As each month passes, my faith strengthens.

We received an amazing gift today. Tonight I find myself feeling excited for the future. Now I have a clear vision of Corey lifting her self to a standing position, temporarily using a walker to guide her steps throughout the house, progressing to canes and then walking independently…it’s a Matter of Time, xoxo

2yrs; Day 1023 – Phillie’s World Series

Hi Everyone,

I’m grateful to my father for coming down from NY for another weekend adding another helping hand. The kids have been great with transferring Corey and I improve each day. In fact, I’ve felt so much better, I cooked dinner last night and tonight and took a trip to the grocery store today. (In hindsight, the latter turned out to be pushing it a bit too far but I recovered after a few hours rest on the couch).

Corey had a very interesting memory this weekend. Aunt Diane and Uncle Peter texted Corey on the way to Citifield to watch the Mets vs. Phillies. Their seats were on the 1st base line. They asked Corey to name her favorite players so they could take a picture of the player up at bat and send it to her via text message..

Corey’s face lite up, she smiled as if she was going to announce her players names when suddenly the spark in her eyes dimmed, she paused and said, “I don’t know Mom”. I could see she was trying to remember but couldn’t find the words.

M – Let me help you. I’m going to give you the first name, you tell me the last names (of course I cheated by pulling up the roster on the internet). I chose the names I recognized and Corey completed each players last name.

M – Okay, now I’m going to give you the last name and you tell me the position they play. (Corey was 4/10) I was a little disappointed. I thought Corey’s love of baseball would have been a stronger memory for her. Possibly a breakthrough memory. Then it occured to me…
M – Corey, what year is it?
C – 2007? No, 2008!

THAT’S IT,..she’s remembering the World Series Season! I pulled up the roster for 2008 and asked Corey the same questions; she was 7/10 for the last names and player positions! I shared this story with our friend Dan who has given Corey 2 recent opportunities to see “her boys” again. He laughed and commented, “Well, if you’re going to remember the Phillies, 2008 was the year to remember”!

This memory was very exciting but we also experienced a sad reality. Some of you will remember that our laundry room, off the kitchen, was converted to Corey’s handicapped bathroom. Caitlin was preparing to give Corey a shower. As they walked into the new bathroom, Corey became very volitile. She didn’t recognize the room, didn’t understand why she couldn’t go upstairs to her shower or why she needed someone else’s help to shower. She was completely disoriented.

We reiterated the mantra about the accident and the renovation. She screamed and demanded to know where she was when all this happened. My retort, “you were in a coma”….she paused, looked around the room then back at us and calmly said, “I slept through a lot”!

I share these stories because we live every day minute by minute. We have a break through and then a set back and then a reason to laugh.

We can’t focus on the minutes we step back. We must keep looking for the minutes that show us the new connections and new achievements. When we capitalize on the positive minutes we will continue to create new opportunities that we hope will transform minutes into hours and then days. A clock ticks one minute at a time, in one direction ~ forward! xoxo

2yrs; Day 1053 – from Corey

hi, everyone, its corey,
our family has a tradition to name cars and i was thinking of the name Audrey because it means strength and i should name it that because i worked really hard to finally get into a car.

speaking of working hard, i worked on my left arm today so i can reach for a pot over my head when i am cooking in my new restaurant

well i hope that you all and i have a good night, sincerely, corey xoxo