Hi Everyone,

Last month we submitted a presentation to the Brain Injury Association of Pennsylvania for their 2013 annual conference. Today we were notified that we were accepted. With Caitlin as our assistant, Corey and I will be speaking in June.

Our presentation title:

Knowledge, Services and Support; 3 keys to living the “New Normal”

“How do we transition from the life we knew to the life we have now? This session will share strategies and practical applications for using the 3 keys to move past the trauma and start living the “New Normal”. Corey Beattie, 20, is in her second year of recovery from a severe TBI. She and her mother, Marie, will discuss their approach to Advocacy as well as Cognitive, Educational and Behavioral Plans that enhanced their personal experience with traditional physical, occupational and speech therapies”.

We have 3 learning objectives:

1. Knowledge; At the conclusion of the session the participants should be able to navigate available resources to obtain answers to common TBI questions as well as adapt strategic approaches and applications to multi-disciplined therapies for their personal recovery.
2. Services; The participant should be able to have a better understanding of services, both formal and informal, that will aide in the day to day needs of the patient, caregiver and family.
3. Support; The participant should be able to examine and choose available support groups, representatives and organizations to enhance knowledge and garner increased support for current and future needs.

It’s amazing to think how life changes direction. Two years ago we never heard of the diagnosis Traumatic Brain Injury yet when we learned the definition it was a turning point. As with any new lesson, it can define you or direct you. Fortunately, we found a new direction.

Corey something unexpected will happen every day. On that rare day the worst happens that’s when you have a choice. You can fight it when you recognize it or accept and deal with it. It’s not easy trying to learn to adapt or creatively adjust to life’s changes. Sometimes you have to believe things will change for the better when you don’t believe they can.

When your life changes directions and you didn’t know your turn signal was on, you can handle most anything by staying positive and looking for the possibilities. Look at where our road has led us. The old saying is true, “life happens, we’re just along for the ride” but I think we should add, “It’s your choice to enjoy the scenery”, xoxo