
Everyone has had days when they say “I’m tired”.
Everyone has had days they just want to quit, “when do we stop going”.
Everyone has had days they just didn’t want to get up out of bed or get dressed.
Some days are just harder than others.

~ It’s what we do to push through those days that make tomorrow easier.

When you’re tired, frustrated and exhausted from the thought that your “easy days” will never come, that’s when we look at the hard days that are already in the past. The work you do every day has brought you to this point. Just imagine what today’s push will do for tomorrow.

You and I have been working for a month with a broom stick. We sit across from each other holding the stick, our hands shoulder width apart. We pull towards you and push to me. We raise the stick above our heads and lower it to our lap. We “row” with the stick in large circles forward and back.

When we first started these exercises, your left arm would lock up and not bend at the elbow or lift above your waist. The stick would list to the left because your right arm was stronger doing the majority of the work. I guided the stick to assist your upper arms with each movement. Day after day we do the same exercises. Every day your arms have been getting stronger, the muscles are less tense and you’ve been increasing your range of motion. You are now lifting the stick without me…candidly you say, ”it’s easy”…only because you pushed through the hard days.

Seven months ago you wiggled your left toe. Nothing on your left side could move except that big toe. You pushed through stretches, lifts, surgery and casts to move the ankle, knee, thigh and hip. Today you walked on a treadmill with the help of a machine that simulated a leisurely stroll across 5 football fields…including the end zones! I know you love baseball more than football so to put that in perspective, you ran the bases for 4 consecutive home runs!

Whether you play sports or not, there are days you just don’t think you can find that last bit of energy or motivation to push forward. That’s when you need a coach. Their job is to develop your physical strength to work to the best of your ability. They also encourage, motivate and guide you to look within to find your inner strength when your body is exhausted.

Who are your coaches? Your family, your friends, your therapists, our community and each and every one of the people that are “out there” praying for you and cheering you on. All your coaches believe in you.

There was a famous football coach I know you’ve heard of, Vince Lombardi. He has many inspirational quotes but here are a few that I think we could use right now;

“The difference between a successful person and the others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in the lack of will”.
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence”

Corey, you’ve got the will…hold on to it…it’s a matter of time …your tomorrow is coming! xoxo