Hi Everyone,
It was a beautiful day in New London! Corey had an early speech session followed by PT. It was so lovely out we decided to take advantage of the weather and our beautiful deck. Corey walked along the perimeter of the deck for 12’. I tried to film the session but I was called into action to be Gillian’s assistant. Once again I’d like to thank the team at Project Rake from New London Presbyterian Church. Corey could not have walked on our old planks nor held the old wood rail for balance. The new decking (splinter free) is more valuable than we can tell you!
This afternoon we headed out for a field trip to the mall. Sue Ford, Corey’s boss from Candy for all Occasions, is busy preparing for one of her biggest holiday’s ~ Easter. (And you thought the Easter Bunny was a boy) Sue’s daughter Katie needed a few things for her spring wardrobe so we decided to make a day of it. The truth is Corey heard me telling our nurse that I was taking Katie out and Corey told me, “You’re not going out alone”. I asked her ‘who do you think I’m going with’? She emphatically told me, “You’re taking me too. I love to go shopping”. Miss Bossy Britches won…we all went shopping together.
She did very well and picked out some cute shorts for Katie. After our purchases it was off to the food court for a snack. Corey had a strawberry thick shake from Chick-fil-a. You should have seen her eyes light up when she tasted it! As Caitlin says, she’s been on an all vanilla diet for too long, time to switch it up.
Speaking of her diet, tomorrow is a big day; another swallow study to see how she handles soft solids and thin liquids. Please keep her in your thoughts at 9am. If she passes, it’s another step forward.
We will be home in time for another deck walk. I will try to film and post her session. Our journal is a wonderful resource to capture Corey’s daily progress but to watch her “live” is just amazing. Hope to “see you soon”, xoxo