2yrs; Day 1088 – from Corey

hi everyone its corey yesterday and today were tough, to say the least. i had to put on my big girl pants and go work out when i really did not want to. i told mom that i am basically an adult but there are always people taking care of me which i do not really want...

2yrs; Day 1086 – from Corey

Hi Everyone its Corey i have news for all of you! i will be 21 in 21 days!! it doesn’t make me feel old it makes me feel really good. we have 3 months that are busy. my birthday, then my sisters b day, then thanksgiving, then mom’s b day, and you know...

2yrs; Day 1083 – from Corey

Hi Everyone it’s Corey, I am pretty much okay but I have an MRI tomorrow which is scary. Everyone please try to take a minute during your day tomorrow to pray for me. It’s between 1:00 and 3:30. I’m scared. I’m scared about going in there but I...

2yrs; Day 1082 – start living your dreams

Hi Corey, It was wonderful to see you in the kitchen today working with Jamie, your nurse. You helped her prepare 5 dozen cookies…from scratch! You began by listing the ingredients, multiplying the measurements to accommodate the recipe; then dividing when you...