2yrs; Day 927 – from Corey

Hi Everyone, This is Corey I got measured for a new wheelchair I can use a practice chair to get used to it I can walk with my feet like Fred Flintstone And I can move the wheel with my right hand so I can steer I can lock the wheels with both of my hands I get to...

2yrs; Day 926 – Hijacked on tax day

Hi everyone! Wondering where I’ve been? Since Halloween (what month is it?) I’ve been trapped, held against my will and forced to make candy and sandwiches for my community. It would have been illegal, if they weren’t paying me, but lets not get bogged down with...

2yrs; Day 923 – $ the cost of TBI $

Hi Everyone, Corey and I met with Senator Patricia Vance today. Senator Vance is the Chair of the Public Health and Welfare Committee for Pennsylvania. We met to discuss how we can garner heightened awareness for TBI. In addition we discussed the lack of education,...

2yrs; Day 922 – from Corey

Hi Everyone, we didn’t write to you last night because we were busy preparing for our next big appointment. Tomorrow we head to Harrisburg. We are hoping to carry the BIA message advocating not only for ourselves but for the thousands of families who...