Hi Everyone,
The last 6 weeks is a blur. It’s hard to believe we’re ready to turn the page on another month, let alone a New Year!

I saw a cartoon this week; two friends sitting on the crest of a hill starring off at the horizon. One friend asked the other, “What will the New Year bring”? The friend’s response, “365 opportunities”

The New Year is our opportunity to consciously look forward, keeping our goals in sight. How do we work on our plan to ‘get there’? It doesn’t mystically appear by waiting patiently. It’s the daily work that delivers our prize. That’s the hard part; recognizing the achievements of each day with the understanding that those achievements will change with each day. Some day’s they will build upon each other, some day’s they will present a loss of what we gained yet help us discover something unexpected and new. None of which could be possible without the perspective of looking for the days opportunity.

Corey has been working with her original team of therapists twice a week for the last three weeks. Fortunately, she is showing some signs of improvement from the effects of her fall 6 weeks ago. Her left arm lost this year’s gains but her muscles are beginning to loosen so Anne can begin functional exercises to redevelop her strength and dexterity. Corey’s leg strength is rebuilding so Natalie can help her stand, balance and begin to increase her stamina to regain her long distance walking. Currently, she is walking between 30 and 100 feet depending on her ‘sinky’ knees. Laura is working on speech therapy; this includes swallowing and cognitive exercises for memory. Corey is working her tongue exercises which not only move her food to the back of her throat but also helps control it to safely swallow; it also strengthens the tongue for pronunciation of letters, sounds and words for increased clarity. Corey is reading out loud and in-session, capable of correctly answering comprehension questions. We are hoping insurance recognizes these ‘functional’ improvements to allow more visits.

As I sit to compose this update, I asked Corey what she’d like the New Year to bring. Her 2017 list;
To walk alone
To be physically independent so she doesn’t need any helpers
To improve her memory
To make new friends (especially in the culinary field)
To publish a cookbook of family recipes

What will the New Year bring for you?
We hope you look for 365 opportunities to Never Give Up and Never Give In, xoxo