hi everyone its corey

yesterday i could not write because it was a bad day but then today i decided to get my big girl pants on and face the day whatever it may bring and i like that attitude, that seams to be more of a corey attitude.

an old friend of mine that i thought forgot about me by now wrote to me today.

basically i was surprised that he still had my corey bracelet from the first fundraiser right after the accident. then he told me about the impact i have had on him and other people. i realize that bad days make you selfish and force you to think just about yourself but thats not what we are here for.

sometimes you can be going through a really bad problem and people are watching who could be going through their own really bad problem. our motto is never give up and never give in and its that for a reason. i guess people see that i don’t give up and that helps them not give up as well. don’t you think God would have wanted that so we could all work together between the good times and the bad?

i thoroughly hope this helps you if your going through your own bad problem, xoxo