Hi Everyone,

We have a few updates for you.

We are still waiting on the infusion results for more information about the pituitary tumor but the ultra sound of Corey’s bladder showed dilation in the right uriter between the kidney and the bladder. We have an appointment with a Urologist next week.

Tomorrow we head into Philadelphia to see the Neuro-opthomologist. I am very anxious for Corey to complete the eye exam now that she can communicate more effectively with the Doctor.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have begun to reach out to Neuro-psychologists to help us understand and hopefully better manage Corey’s emergence and Behavior. I am meeting with our first contact in 3 weeks…appointments are difficult to make with specialists!

In the meantime, our home program to supplement the rehab exercises must step up a notch. Corey has not been fully participating in her PT sessions with Natalie or Jen. Her left foot had gained range of motion to a +7 degrees (more flexibility to point her toes towards her knee). Yesterday’s assessment with Natalie registered back to zero. We must increase her standing, stretching her foot and ankle and begin utilizing the standing frame again multiple times a week. The change in Corey’s range of motion validates the correlation between the intensity and frequency of therapy to the maintainence and level of continued progress for recovery.

Corey it’s hard to believe we have to step it up a notch but we do. I know you have it in you. A marathon runner will tell you that certain drills require short sprints to develop the muscles needed to manage the stamina required for the long distance run. We can do this! Xoxo