Hi Everyone,
Corey had a full exhausting day. We saw Dr. Ruggerio first thing this morning. Unfortunately, we still have 2 weeks before he will remove the casts. Dr. Ruggerio wanted to make sure that Corey’s casts and rigorous PT sessions weren’t damaging her hips, pelvis or femur as she compensates for her new shoes. Her x-rays looked perfect. He was pleased with her ability to move both legs with the weight of her casts but most impressed by the artwork drawn on her casts!
We arrived back at Bryn Mawr and her PT, Jen, met us at the door to whisk her into the gym. No rest for the weary! Corey is doing quite well with all her sessions. Tomorrow we will be meeting with the Cognitive/Behavioral Therapist to hopefully learn new strategies for managing Corey’s volatile reactions.
I’m also hoping to gain insight into Corey’s ‘moments of clarity’. Yesterday she expressed her frustration using a profound statement. Today as we were waiting in the Dr.’s office, she repeatedly asked me to “take her shoe off”. I calmly explain that I can not take her casts off. Corey took a deep breath, (I thought she was going to argue with me about the removal of her casts) she looked at me and said; “Mom, I’m sorry that I ask the same thing over and over again”. I must tell you I was stunned! I looked at her wondering where that thought came from as I simultaneously was shocked at her sentence length and depth of meaning. This was a moment of clarity.
I asked her not to apologize. She has nothing to apologize for. I understand why she asks her repetitive questions. She looked at me, smiled and told me; “Mom, I love you to the moon and back”…then she asked me to take her shoes off…another 50 times!
I am fascinated by Corey’s sentence. Is this a glimpse of greater cognitive reasoning? Has the change in medication brought her back to baseline? Are her silent seizures forging new pathways stimulating new connections for higher levels of intellectual thought?
Corey when you forget I promise I will remind you that you can do anything. Life is going to be challenging and very difficult. It’s going to ask more of you than you will expect. It’s the perfect opportunity to show everyone you can see, you feel, you love and you understand. There is so much more that you can do. You are only beginning to watch it bloom within yourself. There is nothing you can’t do! xoxo