Good Morning Everyone,
For those of you who are parents, you will definitely understand the following scenario. Remember when you had your first child? You might have had some babysitting experience but never a 24/7 shift. The baby cries and you check the standard 3 causes; are they hungry, wet or have gas? That list doesn’t match the symptoms and so the guessing game begins as you try juggling, singing, pacing and any other trick you can think of. Eventually your little one falls asleep. Night after night this routine continues and just as you figure out what works for the two of you…it changes. Your baby settles into a routine and it’s time for you to have a night out. The babysitter arrives; you’re excited for the respite but secretly worried hoping all goes well. You call to check in only to hear the baby screaming in the background. Your child has hit the separation anxiety stage you’ve read about. Welcome to our new stage…
We have one regular night nurse and a few that are new to our case. Our regular nurse began reporting last week that Corey was not sleeping through the night. She has been waking up calling out for me. She tries to redirect Corey and most nights she’s successful, however, since last week Corey has been inconsolable. The nurses cannot calm her down when she gets to this point. When I come down to help settle her, she holds onto me begging me not to leave her. The last week has gotten much worse. Last night it seemed that she may have been having night terrors. The most unsettling for me was when she looked at me and didn’t recognize me. She was calling out for “her mom”. I asked her to look at me again, I was her mom. She said I don’t look like her mom. I told Corey that I realize bed-head isn’t flattering on anyone but if she looks really close I assure her I am in fact her mom. I caught her off guard and made her laugh. She then recognized me and settled down.
This morning’s realization ~ the more I learn the less I know! TBI is very unique. It’s not like a stroke, dementia or Alzheimer’s yet there are components of each within TBI. The cognitive and behavioral aspects of this injury are truly challenging and complex.
We are going to Dr. Brown’s today to follow up on Corey’s headaches as well as discuss how her recovery is evolving. We will be looking into some additional resources to best help us through this next phase.
Corey’s separation anxiety is actually a positive sign. She is continuing to move forward. She is becoming more aware of her surroundings and the people in her life. She is becoming more verbal, expressing herself (sometimes quite loudly) using longer phrases and sentences. She is initiating questions. She’s begun to tell me, “I’m thinking about…” and share a memory that suddenly presented itself. Diane is amazed at Corey’s accelerated speech and whole language development.
I’m happy to share another sign of progress. Yesterday during her PT session, she literally took another step forward. I was fortunate to capture it on video! Corey has begun to instinctually lift and step with her left foot. Visual proof that therapy is as critical to her full recovery as is her daily medications. To watch your child’s first steps is an amazing experience but to have an opportunity to relive them after witnessing her fight to overcome insurmountable challenges cannot be expressed in words!
Corey initially every challenge you face seems bigger and more formidable than it is before you begin to tackle it. We discover new aspects of this recovery every day. Your willingness, motivation and determination in working through it will help you manage it. Obstacles seem insurmountable because you don’t know all there is to know about them. Working hard, getting creative, staying positive and never relenting are some of the tools you continue to use to chip away at how imposing it appears to be. Watch yourself and celebrate your success. You continue to face the day, work on it, around it, over it, under it and move right on through it!
You’re incredible Corey…I’m so proud of you, xoxo
Corey Beattie steps forward ~