Hi Everyone,
Unfortunately we do not have nursing on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the moment. By the time our night nurse arrives, I’m ready for bed and don’t have the energy to write. We will be interviewing new agencies this week and next to share Corey’s case with our current agency. (I don’t want you all to worry if I miss a Tuesday/Thursday’s post).
Besides playing nurse, it’s been a busy week! Have you ever heard the saying, ‘when one door closes, another will open’? Our journey is truly reflective of this old saying. Corey’s old life has completely changed its course but she is finding new paths daily. Today she was able to fully extend her left arm, open/close her left hand forming a fist position and repeat the movement independently four times. Two weeks ago, that was not possible. She has been recalling random long term memories including names of childhood friends, details of trips I forgot we went on as well as phone numbers and email addresses. So far she hasn’t recalled any passwords!
Two weeks ago we held a rally to get a traffic signal at Corey’s Corner. Today, the posts were installed for the interim stop signs; the actual stop signs will be installed by the end of the week. At that rally I was fortunate to meet Senator Pileggi. That led to a meeting with him this past Monday, which led to another meeting with a national board member of the Brain Injury Association today in New York City. That led to an invitation to join the Pennsylvania Brain Injury Coalition. The BIA member also asked me to look into a course to become a certified brain injury specialist. The accreditation will not only help our advocacy company but my advocate role with the BIA as well…who knows where that will lead?
Corey change is frightening, confusing, and difficult and it can leave you feeling vulnerable. I am learning that it’s not the details of the life experience that should be our focus. The focus should be on us; changing our attitude, thinking and behavior. Coping with any change can be successful if we follow those three simple principles. I keep trying to find a reason for all of this and the reasons keep revealing themselves. Corey, you are a teacher. By your example you have taught me acceptance, willingness and tenacity among many other qualities. I truly admire your ability to adapt to the change in your life. It is an open ended daily discovery with no direction and yet your focus is always on the present. Your choice to benefit from the experience has led us to what I think will be a better place than the path we were originally on. I’ve said it before; ‘you lead and we’ll follow’. Thank you for taking the lead, xoxo