Hi Everyone,
It was a beautiful amazing day despite the cold wet weather. More than 60 community members, family and friends turned out to support Corey and try to affect change. Senator Pileggi rearranged his schedule to come by and meet us. State Representative John Lawrence not only helped to organize the rally he showed up with a large banner sized printed sign and bullhorn.
I’d like to thank everyone that came out in the rain, everyone that contacted their respective Senators, Congressman and/or State Representatives. Thank you to Ashleigh Frezza (Corey’s girlfriend) for starting the online petition that posted over 1,000 names and testimonials in just two weeks. Thanks to all who signed it! Now we need to send those contacts Thank You notes…
Our voices were heard and PennDot listened! WE WON!!!!
PennDot will be adding a Stop Sign to 896 north/south + an extra sign at Den Road a few hundred feet before the intersection to stop traffic. This is an interim solution until the road is fixed and a permanent traffic light is installed.
It was an emotional, overwhelming day yet rejuvenating. How often do we think that our pleas are falling on deaf ears? How often do we quit before we even get started thinking that it won’t make a difference so why bother?
You voice, your support, your efforts do make a difference! Each of you is part of today’s success story. Thank you so much for your part. Together we have helped prevent future accidents.
Someone asked me, “What’s next”?
My response was, “we’re going to Washington to change legislation for acute care length of stay and rehabilitation coverage”. Who’s with me? xoxo