Hi Everyone,
Corey had a long busy day filled with great progress. Diane worked with Corey on swallowing and conversational phrases. First of all, how many of you wish you could have ice cream for breakfast? She did a very good job feeding her self and controlling her swallowing. We are keeping the portion sizes very small as Corey continues to practice for the next swallow study (isn’t the saying; third times the charm? We’re keeping our fingers crossed). Diane and I were amazed at how clearly Corey was speaking today. She repeated Diane’s phrases with the best enunciation and word formation to date. Her voice is definitely coming through. It must have been the ice cream!
Next session was PT. Corey is making very good progress gaining strength in her left hip and thigh. I’m hoping to film another session very soon. Gillian taught us a new exercise. Corey rolls onto her right side; we place the wedge between her legs so her left leg is elevated yet perpendicular to the matte. She then must swing her left leg forward and back (with our help). Eventually she will be strong enough to swing her leg independently. Forget Jane Fonda’s exercise tapes; Corey’s going straight to Zumba.
Once Corey was warmed up she was ready to walk. Today was a new long distance record; 28 feet!
The morning sessions wiped her out. She was ready for a nap before our cooking class. Today’s entrée ~ Lasagna Cupcakes with parmesan beans. When we chose this recipe, it looked easy. It wasn’t until we started the sequencing pattern that we realized it was probably the most advanced recipe Corey’s prepared.
Corey placed a wonton noodle in each cupcake circle. She sprinkles a household teaspoon of parmesan cheese, tsp of ricotta cheese, adds mozzarella cheese, tsp of ground beef, marinara sauce, sprinkle of basil and parsley to complete the sequence. Sounds easy? There are actually three times the steps when you think of the cognitive processing that has to happen to complete each movement.
I was very concerned that Corey was so fatigued but each time we gave her the option to quit or have us help her, she kept telling us she was going to finish it…and she did! She was exhausted but the finished dish was beautiful. Check out the gallery.
By the time we cleaned the dishes and had her spa night, she was ready for bed. Tomorrow is another big day. We are heading to Thomas Jefferson for an appointment with an Epileptologist (seizure specialist). We leave here at 6:30am for an 8:30 EEG then 9:45 consultation (if the Doctor is running on time). We are looking forward to the second opinion. Corey’s seizures have increased in their intensity which is frightening for all of us. We are concerned that she may be having focal (petit mal) seizures in addition to the grand mal seizures that are beginning to cycle every three months. Please keep her in your thoughts tomorrow, xoxo