Hi Everyone,
I had a very special day. Thank you for all the birthday notes!
We converted our Family Room into Corey’s bedroom which is just off the kitchen. Her bed is positioned on an angle in the corner facing the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen from the foyer, I can look across diagonally to see her. This morning, as I entered the kitchen, Corey was awake sitting up in bed holding a bouquet of helium birthday balloons! She was all smiles. I teased her by asking if she took the van and went out to the store to buy me my balloons. She literally shook her head no (obviously our night Nurse Stacey was Corey’s partner in crime). As I approached her bed, I noticed she also had a card. Stacey helped her not only address the envelop MOM but she also signed the inside of the card, love Corey. It was the clearest I’ve seen her write her name to date!
I hugged Corey and thanked her for my balloons and my card. She took the cloth out of her mouth and clearly pronounced ‘Happy Birthday’; I understood both words. I thanked her again and she said, ‘you’re welcome’…another first…she’s never said that phrase before. That was the best birthday present. What a great way to start the day.
It was a busy day and tonight I met Caitlin and JohnPaul for dinner. We had a fun evening together. One of my favorite things is to sit for hours leisurely enjoying the food and conversation catching up on multiple topics. Tonight we had 4 hours together filled with great food, laughter and making plans for Christmas weekend.
Ashley had a fun time with Corey. They sang, watched a little TV but most importantly made a Christmas List. Corey’s list is quite diverse this year.
1. Clothes – T-shirts and jeans
2. Movies
3. Cute Boys – Cuter than her brother, no beard, OK for a mustache, no goatee, nice teeth, nice car or truck
4. Jewelry – no headbands
5. Buy a new TV even though she has a nice one, she wants her own.
I’m glad you had a fun night too Corey. So happy I have a list to send Santa. I’m very interested to see how he wraps #3. Happy dreams, xoxo