Hi Everyone,
Corey had an excellent Speech session today. Diane gave Corey a thickened apple juice to try some swallow exercises. Corey did very well. Diane wants to try a few more “flavors” and consistencies but she believes Corey is ready for a swallow study. She will set that up at our local hospital with a Radiologist and a Respiratory Technician. We will keep you posted on that.
PT was tough today. Corey was tired from speech and her mouth hurt. She pushed through her session but it was less productive than the prior sessions this week.
This afternoon we headed to Bryn Mawr to have her braces checked. She will need many adjustments but we are hoping that she will benefit from them. Corey’s braces are meant for standing only. We’ve added air casts for stability so she might begin to take a few steps and possibly begin to walk. The casts + new High Top sneakers will give her the support she needs so she doesn’t turn and sprain her ankles as she begins to bare weight on her feet.
We arrived early for our appointment and had the opportunity to see several of our “friends”; Natalie, PT; Jen and Ann, OT; Brian and Julia our nurses as well as several techs. Everyone could not believe how wonderful Corey looked and she spoke to them all. They were thrilled to hear her voice and witness her interaction. As they asked her questions, she was trying to answer. Sometimes we could make out what she said but other times we guessed.
Brian was our primary day nurse. He and I would have lengthy discussions about Corey’s rehabilitation, what was possible and what insurance was limiting. He and I also went toe to toe a few times when I refused to settle for the ‘sometimes that’s the way it is’ response. It seems like a lifetime ago that we lived on that floor for 7 months. Brian couldn’t wait to hear everything we were doing at home. I shared with him the therapy frequency and schedule, the therapy tools we’ve managed to find, create, borrow and purchase as well as the detailed progress of the last 5 months including Corey’s cooking therapy. He couldn’t believe she can crack eggs with her right hand. He looked at Corey in amazement and then said, ‘It’s obvious that because of the intense therapy, this girl is coming back’! Brian was always a believer but the strides in Corey’s progress surprises him every time we come back for a follow up appointment. The last thing he said to Corey was ‘Keep on fighting Corey and don’t you give up. You’re makin’ the dream happen’!
Tonight as I was preparing to write I was exhausted. The day was tiring but I’m finding that lately I’m beginning to feel the fatigue differently than I have over the last several months. It’s always difficult to keep the positive perspective and momentum at the end of the day. I was thinking of Brian and the staff at Bryn Mawr. Their excitement at seeing a patient they love return and show such improvement. Today’s visit is what they tried to explain to me a year ago. They stay “in it” because they see what’s possible. Don’t give up and don’t give in. Nothing is impossible and Dreams can come true!
Corey, ironically one of my favorite motivational websites happened to post the message I needed to read tonight. I hope you will listen and take it to heart. You are doing an amazing job each day to push through discomfort and frustration. It will get better. It will get easier. It will take time. BUT…It will happen!
Always a way
Changing conditions may change the path to fulfillment of your dreams, or even the nature of that fulfillment. Yet the essence of your underlying purpose remains the same.
What could have been, can still be. At its deepest level, no dream is ever rendered impossible.
There is always a way to live the life you choose. There is always a way to express your own beautiful, most authentic vision.
Dare to dream, and dare to live with the confidence that your dream will come true. When it means enough to you, there is a way for it to come about.
Plan and execute your approach. And if the plan happens to fall short, know that there is most certainly another way.
Don’t hold yourself back with limiting thoughts about how it might or might not happen. Push yourself forward with enthusiastic, positive expectations and actions, and bring the dream to life. ~ Ralph Marston