Hi Everyone,
Corey handled her big trip into Philly with great success. It takes about an hour to drive into Philly. This trip she did say she was nauseous but managed to work through it.
We arrived at the Marriott by 3:30 to give Corey some time to adjust to the drive and have some quiet time before the dinner. Dinner was at 6:30. We greeted the runners for Team Corey but by 7pm she needed another rest. We went up to Tom and Marjy’s room for about an hour and that’s all Corey needed. We were back down at the dinner and Corey was all smiles. Miss Party Pants was ready to socialize.
Team Corey consists of 16 runners. Some of the teammates are family but most are friends of the family. My nieces Kerri and Christy did an amazing job organizing the dinner and the on-line training support for Corey’s team. We not only want to thank the girls but my niece Katie and nephew Tommy as well as the runners for spreading the word via facebook, emails and word of mouth to make this a fundraiser such a great success. The team plans on making this an annual event until Corey can run with them.
Until then, we will be at the finish line (if Corey wakes up and feels well…sometimes a long day wipes her out for the second day, so keep your fingers crossed). Just in case Corey doesn’t feel well enough to go back in tomorrow, we took a Team Picture; the “before” shot. (Check out the gallery). We hope to post the “after” shot which will be taken at the foot of the Art Museum steps if we make it in.
GOOD LUCK TEAM COREY! Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo We can’t thank you enough for all your love and support!