Hi Everyone,
I have not officially started my FMLA leave yet. I am working on intermittent leave temporarily to wrap up projects for my biggest accounts. Although I was on the road today, the nurse reported a great day for Corey. She also reported that Corey was sincerely happy, smiling and laughing for most of the day.
The day began with a call from Dr. B. She arranged for an appointment for this Friday morning with the ENT specialist. Immediately following that appointment we will head to Bryn Mawr for our monthly follow up with Dr. Long. (I can not wait for Dr. Long to see Corey’s progress from last month!)
Corey had 3 sessions of therapy today;
The speech therapist attempted to try pudding with Corey. She was not interested! What’s interesting is Corey wrote that she is scared to swallow. When she is in her wheelchair, she does not manage her saliva at all. However, when she’s in bed with her head at 30 degrees, she swallows without any issues! I’m thinking she just wants to break the house rule of no food in your bedroom…
Gillian, the physical therapist from insurance, wrote that today was the best session she’s ever had with Corey. Corey was sitting on the edge of the matte. She sat independently for 30 seconds. When she began to tip, she’d self correct her sitting stature. During their session, Gillian asked Corey to extend her arm, placing her hand on the matte to support her weight and posture. She complied initially but then lifted her right hand and placed it in her lap as if to say, ‘I got this’.
Alice, the Occupational therapist from insurance, reported that she is beginning to feel Corey push her left arm in a downward position as well as push out trying to fully extend her arm. During our spa night I observed Corey trying to lift her left leg from a fully extended position attempting to bend her leg at the knee. That was exciting!! In addition, as I approached Corey with the towel to dry her off, she initiated a roll to her left side so I could reach her back. That truly surprised me!
We had another surprise tonight. JohnPaul came home for a visit. Both JohnPaul and Caitlin are trying to come home once a week to spend time with Corey. She absolutely loves their company. She comes alive when they are here. My favorite part of each visit is watching her laugh with them. There were a few “new” JohnPaul/Corey stories that he shared with me. As he began each adventurous tale, Corey’s body was miming a full belly laugh. He and I were laughing at how hard Corey was laughing. I can’t wait to watch her the night of the comedy show.
Corey I thought of you all day. Each of my customers asks for you and can’t believe the updates. As I shared your latest accomplishments with one customer, he reminded me of a conversation we had 9 months ago. He asked me the details of the accident and your injuries. As I listed the details of where you were at that point, he confided that he was overwhelmed with the thought of the challenges you had to face. He told me today that he didn’t disbelieve there was a chance to recover, but the extent of your injuries made him think that it would be nearly impossible to come back from what you endured up to that point. Listening to each incremental improvement, he thanked me for sharing your recovery. He told me to tell you that you have helped him renew his faith and belief in Hope.
I will be honest with you; you have done the same for me. I remember saying to him that I was going to do whatever it took to bring my daughter back to me and the life that she was meant to have. You know how sometimes you say things out loud so you can hear them yourself? I think that’s what I did in the beginning of this journey. All motivational speakers say if you state what you want out loud, with confidence, as if it will happen without incident, the universe will accept it and you can make it happen. Well guess what Corey? You and I had that talk in the ICU. Since then our daily mantra is “FULL RECOVERY” and you are showing signs each day that you are going to make that happen for yourself. Thank you for renewing my Hope and Belief that everything is possible! I love you, xoxo