Hi Everyone,
Our (Insurance) Speech therapist, Diane, has been with Corey for 11 visits. In that time, Corey has made tremendous progress. Within the last 5 visits they have worked on sound and vowel/word formation. Today Corey formed the “TH”, “V” and “F” sounds. This required the extension of her tongue for TH and her lifting her lower lip to her teeth for V and F. Try some of the words listed below and feel how your tongue, mouth, lips, breath and voice need to come together to formulate the words. Some of her words were clear and some were “approximations” (they were close not perfect…we’re not going for perfect. It’s progress, not perfection)
Corey now can say Home, How, who, Hi and Mom; today they added Off, Of, Have, Half, Math, Help, Thank You, Move, Five and she is still working on Love…for I love you. Diane is thrilled with Corey’s progress. She not only put in for the maximum amount of visits but she was approved for them! The ladies will be working together 5 days a week for the next 4 weeks! Watching Diane teach Corey how to speak as well as observing Corey process the information, attempt the task and repeat the word is truly amazing. It’s fascinating to think of all that is needed just to say a simple word and watch the learning process.
As an aside, OT and PT were approved for 15 visits each because of Corey’s progress. Isn’t it surprising that the more therapy she gets the more progress she makes (yes; that was sarcasm).
Speaking of OT; Brittany, our school Occupational Therapist is seeing a marked improvement as well. She reported Corey’s left hand squeezing our nurse’s hand as well as some movement with her fingers. In addition, Corey is moving her left toes and foot more every day. When we bend her knee, she “ratchets” her leg trying to assist with the lift.
Tonight her girlfriend Christy came to visit as did Beth, JohnPaul’s friend. Beth had a surprise for Corey. A wooden princess puzzle. What we didn’t expect was the surprise we got from Corey. The puzzle’s picture was also under the pieces. Corey took each piece and with some guidance, managed to find the match and complete the puzzle.
Corey the thought process in finding the puzzle match and turning the piece to place in position is not easy. Relearning how to say one syllable words is just as difficult. It fascinates me to watch your concentration. PS – you move your eyebrows when you’re thinking! You worked so hard today and because of your work ethic we can record new firsts! I know its hard work but when you say something new or show us how the puzzle pieces of your mind are starting to fall into place we can’t help but clap and call out with excitement. What’s adorable now is you are making the connection for your self. You know when you’ve answered correctly. You look at us with a little gleam in your eye…and then give us a smile that says “I did it”! xoxo