Hi Everyone,
Corey started her day with another migraine. As her day progressed, she improved. I am amazed that despite the pain and discomfort she wants to be up, engaged, exercising and working on her therapy homework.
We had some time tonight that was just the two of us. This is always my favorite part of the day. We sat in the kitchen after her shower and chatted. Corey responds to my questions and often will write a response to comment on the conversation. Inevitably we begin to laugh; usually due to my misinterpretation of her written response.
We sit across from one another to hold hands; my left hand is clasped around her left hand. For the last several days I’ve been working with her to move her left fingers. I lift her left thumb up/down so she can feel what the movement is like. Tonight I asked her to “look” at her left thumb and “think” about moving it. She instantly reaches with her right hand to assist the left thumb. I interrupt the assist with “That’s cheating Missy”. Corey giggles and we get back to task.
I watch Corey’s face and her thumb. Her concentration fascinates me. I feel her grasp changing and then the slightest movement began. Her eyebrows raised, her eyes widened and then a small smile. She watched the motion and felt the excitement. I whispered, “You’re doing it Corey”. She hummed in surprise. Her eyes met mine and she smiled. She looked back at her hand and wanted to watch her accomplishment again.
All things are possible until they are proved impossible and even the impossible may only be so, as of now. ~ Pearl S. Buck
Corey this quote has never been more accurate or reassuring. The key words are “as of now”. Your recovery in moving your right side and now your left is truly remarkable. Some said movement for any side may never come back. You watched your early videos; your right hand didn’t move 6 months ago. Your left hand didn’t open one month ago. Your left fingers didn’t flinch a week ago. Today you squeezed my hand with your left and moved your left thumb! I watched you get frustrated when you couldn’t push yourself to repeat the movement. Don’t give up Corey. This is how it begins. You can’t lift that thumb without the initial wiggle!
Remember Honey; “As of Now” doesn’t mean it can’t still happen today and certainly doesn’t mean it won’t happen tomorrow. I’m so proud of you! xoxo