Hi Everyone,
Caitlin is a tough act to follow! I love when she hijacks the page!! I can not wait for her night of comedy fundraiser, “Laughter is the best Medicine ~ an evening with Caitlin for Corey”. All we need is a venue. We will definitely have to video tape the open mic night so our friends from out of town can see it on You Tube.
Caitlin hijacked the page because Corey was not feeling well last night and I was trying to work through one of the worst migraines I’ve seen to date. Unfortunately, she was up all night. She did manage to sleep for about an hour. Although Stacey, our night nurse, was with us Corey was so uncomfortable it took two of us to care for her. I’m happy to say, she was much better today and is sleeping comfortably tonight.
Corey had her first dentist appointment today. Dr. Gregory has been our dentist for 17 years. It was tough for him to see Corey for the first time but she did very well with him. She cooperated through the exam and he was pleased to see her mouth care as well as reporting she has no cavities! Corey was grinding her teeth so much in the early stage of her recovery she actually chipped several of her teeth. Everything looked fine within her mouth and the chips aren’t anything we need to deal with at this time. All things considered, he was really pleased to see how great she looked.
Tonight we had a special visitor; Amy our first babysitter from Shepherd Hollow. Amy is all grown up with two children of her own. Spending the evening with her was just as if she were here yesterday. We’ve known Amy for 20 years and she hasn’t changed a bit. (Of course when we introduced her to Stacey we pointed out that she was 4 when she took care of the kids) It was a visit filled with memories and fun conversation.
Corey Amy couldn’t believe how great you looked. You were exhausted and didn’t stay awake long but our short visit was perfect to catch up and share some of your amazing accomplishments with her. It’s always fun for me to see the reaction of friends that haven’t seen you yet. What a thrill it is to share your achievements. We are so proud of you Corey. Rest well tonight honey; time for both of us to sleep. Happy dreams, xoxo