Hi Everyone,
Corey had a very busy day. Unfortunately she woke up with another migraine. Migraines are the most common side affect of a TBI. In speaking with many patients that are 5+ years or more into their recovery, the first few years are brutal in dealing with the migraines. Most report that the headaches get better with the duration shorter and the frequency less after year 3 or 4. No one has said they go away. You can see Corey’s pain on her face. We had a new nurse today and I must say she massaged the headache away! She doted on Corey all morning with a facial massage as well as arms, hands, head and foot massage. I was very tempted to kick Corey out of her bed, jump in and get my own spa morning instead of going to work!
Tonight Corey’s girlfriends came to visit. They were hangin’ out on the back deck getting caught up on all the latest gossip. While the girls were out back, I was in the kitchen looking up communication apps for the IPad. I found two apps for sign language. Corey is getting very frustrated that she can’t communicate. So we are moving to the accelerated class for sign language.
Speaking of sign language; I’m going to symbolically throw a message in a bottle…There was a young woman that introduced herself to me at the Lions Club Bingo night at ABVM. She is fluent in sign language and wanted to come to the house to teach Corey. She gave me her number, hence the reason I’m posting this strange request. If this young woman is a member of this site, please contact me. If anyone out there knows who this young woman is please contact me.
Corey you have been doing a great job at trying to communicate with us. I am amazed at how quickly you’re picking up the newest signs. You will be “talking” very soon. I can’t wait to hear from the young woman that can help us. Thank you for a fun evening sweetie. I can’t wait to get to the point where you are “talking” to me all night. It’s going to happen kiddo. Keep pushing and trying to tell us what you want…we’re listening! Happy dreams, xoxo