Hi Everyone,
Corey has had a good two days. She is really enjoying the IPad, cooler weather and all her company. We received a report from the Doctor’s office; all her blood work is normal. This is great news especially with some of the medications she’s on. The nurses continue to range Corey so she is getting some OT/PT everyday. Today, our day nurse reported more movement of her left toes. She’s starting to wiggle them if you ask her.
Tonight I managed to cover “MY” shift from 6-12 and went into Philly to see the kids. We had a fun night at the “little bar” on 8th and Fitzwater. It was especially enjoyable because we were there to see Caitlin perform her first stand up show! I’ve mentioned earlier that she is going to host a fundraising evening, “Laughter is the Best Medicine ~ a night for Corey with Caitlin”. She found a venue (Kennett Flash) but is waiting on an available date. In the meantime, she decided to test the comedic arena with an open mic night. She did very well for her first show. In fact, the performer that followed her used one of her jokes to build on for his set! The audience loved it. We will definitely announce the date as soon as it’s booked.
Instead of my writing this evening, I thought you’d enjoy hearing from Corey. Today I found a folder in my computer that had several of Corey’s recent English essays. There is one in particular that I thought appropriate to post on her page…she did give me permission. For those of you who don’t know Corey, this essay is a true reflection of who she is. We hope you enjoy it. Xoxo
When Life Hands You Lemons
Everyone has heard the expression “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” However hearing something and doing something are two very different things. In the real world when life hands you lemons you don’t want to make lemonade, you want to throw them at someone, usually whoever handed them to you. I know this has been true in my own life.
Obstacles are something we all go through in life, they aren’t fair but they still come around, just like lemons. Most of the time when we are faced with a challenge such as this we turn to a friend. (Corey lost her best friend prior to writing this story. She had missed quite a bit of time in school and was afraid that she had also lost all her friends)
After taking time to recoup from this, I did return to school, one of the hardest days of my life, but also one of the most truly amazing days. In hard times you really do see who honestly cares about you. All my friends told me they were so happy I had come back to school; this is when I realized that making lemonade really was the way to go. Happiness really is the best medicine. My other friends were all happy to see me. Just because one thing is challenging in your life doesn’t mean that you give up and let it take the best of you. By rising above I was able to accomplish so much more. Looking back, I realize that it was the best thing that has ever happened to me because it taught me so much about myself. Above all it has taught me that no matter how hard it may seem, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.