Hi Everyone,
It’s been an extremely long day! I have contacted all the key players, most were on vacation for the holiday weekend, written letters and wrapped up the details for Corey’s home care. Due to the uncertainty of the 3rd appeal as well as the decision to deny us coverage, I have decided that we will come home on Tuesday.
We have chosen a skilled nursing company and they will have the staff in place to cover the initial hours granted by Medicaid. We are sending in letters for additional hours and expect a decision next week to see if we will be awarded our request. If not, we will work it out.
Corey and I had a nice night. After her spa night we went out to the goose pond and then for an evening stroll. We had a great visit chatting about family and friends. Corey continues to show me new movements and responses. Tonight, she attempted lifting her left leg to try to reposition her foot on the foot rest of the wheelchair. But the most exciting discovery was in the laundry room.
Bryn Mawr has washer and dryers on the floor for the patient’s convenience. Every time I go to do the laundry with Corey, I tease her that she’s a lazy lump not helping to do the wash or fold the clothes. Tonight I piled the dirty clothes on her lap and asked her to hold them. She lifted her right arm and cupped the pile. Then I placed the small bottle of Tide on her lap and asked her to hold that too. She attempted to lift her left arm. Instead she compensated and stretched across the pile as she opened her hand to grip the handle of the detergent.
When we got to the laundry room I asked Corey to hand me the clothes. She did attempt to pick up the clothes with her right hand but the weight was too much to grasp, lift and extend. She did much better with the socks! I stated, “Ready for the Tide!” With that, Corey lifted her arm, cupped her hand over the lid of the bottle and turned the top of the bottle rotating it in the correct direction to attempt to remove the lid! UNBELIEVABLE…another first!
I speak to Corey as if she has no special needs. She continues to either attempt the response or surprises the heck out of me and actually demonstrates the correct response. The lesson is to expect what should feel natural and continue to show Corey the respect of knowing she can do what is asked of her. She enjoys the normalcy of the conversations as well as being pushed to do what used to come naturally; you can see it in her responses.
Corey I often think about Dr. Dan Gotlieb’s comment that individuals look at the wheelchair not the man that sits in the chair. When I look at you, I see the woman you are and the woman you can be. I see a woman that is strong willed, independent and intelligent. I see a woman with a great sense of humor and personality. A woman of strength, courage and tenacity! Why wouldn’t we expect the “normal” responses? You continue to show us you’re working to exceed those expectations. I’m so proud of you! xoxo