Hi Everyone,
Tonight Corey’s girlfriends came to visit. We hung out in the family dining room on our floor. The girls gave Corey a manicure while the gossip and conversation filled the room. It was great to see the girls interact with each other. At one point, an old story of some shenanigan from 8th grade was shared. Corey remembered it and began to smile and laugh. She was so relaxed and truly seemed to enjoy her visit.
My sister Diane is staying with me this week. We have begun the search for a converted van, PT/OT therapy equipment as well as the incidentals needed in Corey’s new room and bathroom. It’s been great having her here to help me with the “details” of the little things we need…I talk out loud and she writes a list to organize my thoughts! Thank goodness for big sisters.
We are coming down to the wire. I do not believe that Corey has reached her potential and I continue to push for full services at the acute level. So far, people are listening but nothing has happened to ensure Corey’s continued coverage to maintain the level of services that she currently has. The acute level of care and rehabilitation is crucial for her first year of recovery. I believe that tomorrow our case manager is going to call in to see if we can be approved for yet another week while we wait for the last of the renovations to be completed. I have also requested that Moss and Magee rehab be called in for an evaluation for referral. My thought is, if Bryn Mawr feels that Corey has reached her potential in their acute setting, perhaps Moss or Magee might find that they have more to offer or try with Corey. What’s the worst that could happen…they say NO?
Although I am fighting for more time, I am forced to prepare our home for Corey’s return. These changes include preparing me emotionally and intellectually for the next step of her recovery. To attempt to describe what is currently consuming my mind and heart would take more than the total characters allowed for this short post. It is time to ask for help…not only for Corey but for myself. The strength I have been developing for the last 6 months will be tested more now than it has been up to this point.
I do not know how many hours we will receive for clinical care, PT, OT or Speech therapy in the homecare setting. I am calling on all our local nurses and friends that may be available to help us in case we do not receive maximum coverage or support. I want to start a list of times, dates and coverage to help supplement Corey’s waiver support if needed. If you’ve written in the past forgive me, I would ask that you resend your name, number and availability. If you are aware of a converted “used” van with a rear entry ramp, please forward the information. If you’ve heard of a fun, interesting or unique fundraising idea please forward that information (Caitlin’s list was a good start, but we might need some alternative suggestions).
We are moving forward and looking at how we can provide the maximum service and support for Corey. She’s working so hard to fight her way back…we must do the same! This kid deserves it!! xoxo