Hi Everyone,
Corey didn’t get sick today! Thank goodness for that 🙂
The team meeting was held this afternoon. I won’t have all the details until early Thursday morning when I meet with her case manager. She did share that Corey’s CRS score is still a 15 and she is following basic commands with a quicker response time. I have to make an appointment to meet with Dr. Long but I did have a long talk with Brian, her day nurse. Brian shared that the clinical team feels as if Corey is gaining momentum and beginning to accelerate forward. She is consistently responding to his commands for the thumb, peace sign, smile and something new…open your mouth and stick out your tongue. She’s been too polite to date and will only open her mouth so far, but at least she’s trying!
The case manager calls Blue Cross tomorrow so say your prayers tonight for a nice long extension!!
FYI – Speaking of Insurance…we ‘Have Not’ been denied by the insurance company “yet”. The letter to the Senator’s is almost finished but we’d like to wait until we need to send it. It won’t be affective until we are denied through the appeal process. Stay alert though, when it hits we’ll have to move quickly! Thank you in advance for your willingness to support this important issue.
In the meantime, I’m continuing to look at options for Corey’s discharge. We have two choices, coming home or trying to find a sub acute facility that will continue to help us care for her. As you can imagine, both decisions have details to evaluate and research required. Neither are easy decisions. Corey will eventually be coming home; we just don’t know when that will happen. Until then we have to be proactive and raise funds to prepare for that option. Insurance and Medicaid will not cover all her expenses at home. We will not receive all the services necessary to ensure her continued progress and we will most likely have to hire private care nurses and therapists, in addition to the home improvements and purchase of therapy equipment she will need.
We can’t thank you enough for all your support. Whether it’s a phone call, text, email, cards, words of encouragement or attending the fundraisers…your love and friendship mean the world to us!
Thank you so much!! xoxo