Hi Everyone,
I have to tell you Corey looks so beautiful! She was very alert yet so content. Sitting with her tonight was calming after a busy day. She is starting to spontaneously move her right leg and now both arms. We practiced reaching to a full extension with her right arm. The command was “reach to hold my hand”. She was fairly successful getting ½ way for several repetitions. It’s comforting to see her moving on her own. What a joy it was to spend time with her.
Prior to the accident on Tuesday nights I would pick Corey up from the Candy Store and we’d rush home to watch The Biggest Loser. We affectionately called it “our Fat People show”. Corey, who doesn’t have an ounce of body fat on her, would come home with either homemade ice cream or a candied apple to eat while watching our show.
On my way to the hospital tonight, I stopped by the Candy Store to get some homemade ice cream for Corey and me. Truthfully since Corey couldn’t eat the ice cream, we shared it with the nurses. Guatemalan Ripple; chocolate/coffee flavored ice cream with caramel and chocolate candy…truly Heaven on Earth!
After eating the ice cream, the nurses came in to ask about the candy store. As I shared some of Corey’s tales, she was reacting to the stories by squeezing her hand and moving her arms. We played the “remember” game. I reminded Corey to either squeeze my hand or give me thumbs up for YES. We then asked her questions such as; Do you remember Amelia (our cat)? (squeeze) Do you remember Roxie (our dog)? (thumbs up) Do you remember the candy store? (squeeze). Do you miss the candy store? (squeeze). Do you remember Leah (her girlfriend at the store)? (squeeze). Then I shared a story about Corey and Leah with the nurses. One shift they sarcastically tormented each other while dueling for the self appointed award of Employee of the Day > Week > Month and finally the Millenium! I turned back to Corey to ask her if she remembered dueling for the award? (thumbs up and I swear she gave me a little smile to go with it).
Corey I know the Candy girls miss you too! PS – Sue is waiting for you to “get it in gear”…Easter and Mother’s Day are coming and the orders need to be filled! You’re still on the schedule and the girls are pickin’ up your slack…as Sue says, “I’m just sayin”…
It’s great to think about the day you’ll get to go back to the store but what I’m most excited about is today you squeezed my hand YES to memories from just 5-6 months ago! We are going to keep jogging that memory sweetie. You don’t miss a trick and you’re telling us you’re right here, right now! What a special night. I love you, xoxo