Hi Everyone,
I can not begin to express my emotions tonight. We were notified that this will be our last week and there will be no further clinical extensions given from the insurance company as of February 22nd. The bell has been rung. Put on the Rocky theme music because my gloves are on!
I’m not sure what the next week or two will bring, but I can assure you that we’re not going out quietly. I am busy reading, researching and preparing for my dissertation with the insurance company (and any one else that will listen!)
Aside from this non-sense, Corey and I went for a long walk today. It was a beautiful afternoon and quite frankly, I needed to calm down. The nursing staff actually came looking for us because they were concerned we were gone for so long. If I had a handicap van, they would have had cause to be concerned!
Despite the afternoons grenade launch, Corey continues to show new movement and continues to respond to commands. She raised her right arm several times and is still showing motion to try “thumbs up”…I promise it was just her thumb!
Corey, you keep doing what you’re doing honey. Your focus is on doing something new everyday. Don’t concern yourself with the details of your surroundings. No matter where we are, you will always have us to help you. We will do whatever it takes to make sure you are getting the best care possible so you can get stronger, heal and recover from this. Baby steps or giant steps, we are with you every step of the way!
Keep it up kiddo, you’re doing great! Happy dreams, xoxo