Hi Everyone,
Once again, we have to thank each of you for your unconditional love and support as we learn to cope with our new life. There are many sayings that are nonchalantly quoted. Their true meaning lost in its casual reference. For example, ‘when one door closes, another opens’. Most people think of this phrase in reference to losing an opportunity. This saying in particular, for me, represents the change in the course of our lives. This is not the detour we were expecting, but we are so thankful for the friends and family traveling with us and the “new” friends we’re meeting on our way.
I am very excited to share today’s celebration. For the first time, Corey moved all 4 limbs! Rob was our OT therapist. I shared with him the evening homework with her left foot/leg. His first question was whether Corey was responding spontaneously or on command. He then had to test Corey to differentiate and document. The following sequence amazed us.
“Corey, tell you what we’re going to do. Kick your leg, put it down, kick your leg, put down, kick your leg, put down. 3 times Cor. Ready GO”!
Without hesitation or time delay, Corey repeated the exact command 3x. We looked at each other in amazement!
“Ok Corey, kick your leg and hold it. Ready GO”! Piece of cake, instant response.
“Okay, kick your leg, hold it, and wiggle your toes. Ready GO”! Corey lifted her leg, held it, circled her foot and then wiggled her toes!
“Alright you showoff, kick your leg, hold it, wiggle your toes and put it down. Ready GO”! Corey effortlessly obeyed.
Rob looked at me and said, “This is not a fluke, she has control over this leg. She knows exactly what she’s doing. One of the light switches just went on”! We both began to cry and Rob gave Corey a kiss and a hug. The other therapists in the gym were watching this and were cheering also.
Throughout the rest of the session, Corey moved both arms and her left foot/leg for Rob as well. It is so difficult to accurately describe the energy and joy that renewed our hope with those small jesters!
Corey, a door might have closed and you may not see another one just yet, but today you found the window, unlocked it and kicked out the screen! I can’t tell you how exciting it is to witness each of your achievements. You continue to surprise and amaze us. You are doing it honey. You will continue to heal and you are coming back to us. Keep showing us honey. We’re right here with you waiting and cheering, watching your light shine! Happy dreams, xoxo