Hi Everyone,
Boy oh Boy, see what happens when your kids know the passwords! I’ve said it before, if Photography doesn’t work out for Miss Caitlin, I know she will be successful in “stand up” or as a “Game Show Host”. For those of you who didn’t make it to the Beef and Beer or the Skate for Corey, Caitlin was the MC of the gift baskets. Robin Williams would be proud of her ability to ad-lib! Just to clarify, I’m not 36, “again”…the year I turned 36 is the year that Caitlin truly understood how old her mother was. God Bless her, I will never age in her eyes! Isn’t it funny to hear what lessons your child remembers?
Speaking of lessons your children are taught, Corey had another busy day in Rehab. She had 2 ½ hours of PT/OT and ½ hour of Speech. When I arrived tonight, she was in a late PT session in the gym. The therapist shared her early observations with me. Corey is tolerating the tilt table using both feet. Her ankles are very tight (increased tone) but there is still some range of motion. The therapist hasn’t measured her range yet but their focus is to continue to stretch, work with her range of motion, continue serial casting and use her new braces to try to increase her flexibility. They hope to get her close to 90 degrees (which is measured at zero). She’s not close to that at the moment. They have seen increased mobility with other patients once the cognitive abilities begin to present themselves, so that’s what we’re hoping for.
Her right arm has also increased its tone, but that arm still has enough flexibility when she will relax to allow the therapist to work with her full range of motion.
Corey and I worked on opening her mouth tonight. The “nay’s” won over the “ahh’s”. Her focus was intense. She would look into my eyes and grind her teeth, moving her jaw. It was obvious she was trying with all that was in her but didn’t manage to open her mouth. She was very frustrated and cried. I assured her we would continue to practice. The day is coming when it will just happen on its own; she won’t have to try so hard.
The rest of the evening was spent holding hands, listening to music and gently caressing her face and head. My birthday gift was sitting with her, holding her gaze and “feeling” her calm, content and relaxed. Corey has the most wonderful eyes. She is so expressive with just a glance. We didn’t fill the rest of the evening with conversation, we didn’t have to. Corey eventually fell asleep and I slipped out just like we used to when she was a baby…always peeking back hoping her eyes wouldn’t suddenly pop open catching us as we tip-toed out.
Corey’s gift to me was showing me her courage and tenacity. She showed me her frustration with tears but then regained her emotions to look me in the eye and express she was safe, comfortable and relaxed to rest and try again. Thank you for your gift sweetie. I will remember the lessons you are teaching me. Happy Dreams, xoxo