Hi Everyone,
Corey had a better day today. She was busy with PT and OT but seemed less sore. Her stomach was a little more settled and her swollen lip is looking much better too! She was alert and trying to open her mouth a little as we chatted. I left early this evening to go to the gym for the big “shave off”.
Shelly and KX Athletics planned the No Shave November fundraiser. The T-shirts were awesome! Shelly also had candy bars with Corey’s picture on the wrapper!
All those participating in the shaving portion of the evening showed up with beach towels, shaving cream, razors and buckets. Missy, KX director, rolled up the tumble mats and the girls were set! There were a few guys that participated in this event as well. Corey’s coach Chris not only shaved his beard, but he also shaved his head. Actually…the girls took turns shaving his beard and head! That man is brave to let the cheerleaders near his throat with a razor! I was the judge for the Hairiest Girl…hands down, it was Brianna Culbertson! Sorry, I did not take a picture of her legs, but trust me; she won!
Next was the “tumble off”. All the girls showed off their tumbling skills from each level. I could have watched that all night! Tumbling was always my favorite part of the routines.
The girls bought Corey a purple cat with green eyes (Amelia doesn’t have to worry, it’s a stuffed animal) If you’re familiar with Build A Bear, it’s similar but a Cat which is the KX mascot. The Cat is not stuffed yet. All the families and girls wrote on a felt heart that will stuff the Cat. As Corey holds the Cat, she will be holding onto her cheering family. When Corey is better, she can open the Cat and read all the messages sent from everyones heart to her.
The grand finale were the awards for the tumblers. Wawa gift cards and the big winners won personal training sessions and massages. I should have at least tried a cartwheel for the massage prize! There were lots of Corey Stories some of which I’ve never heard. Overall, it was a great night; hairy but fun! I will post the pictures this weekend.
Tomorrow is the first competition of the season. Good luck girls, remember to SMILE and know Corey will be cheering you on in spirit. xoxo