Hi Everyone,
Corey had a good day today. We are beginning to see her eyes move to her left. In fact, we’ve even seen her move her head towards what she’s trying to look at! She had a few good sessions with PT/OT today. The team had her on the tilt table to stand up. She gets a really good stretch in her legs and feet when they use this table.
We used Skype again tonight to talk to family that is too far away to visit. We talked to my brother in London and my father in Phoenix. We also rang up Boston and NY! Some of you may know that Corey worked at the Hidden Pond Park Day Camp on Long Island as a CIT (counselor in training) She loved working at HPP! Tonight, Uncle Peter (NY) sang the camp theme song for Corey via skype. We swear Corey had one corner of her mouth curl up like the beginning of a smile. She really reacted to Peter’s camp chant!
I’ve shared how important your notes are to us. They are often the encouragement we need to start and end the day. Many of you know that Corey and I would search for and read from motivational websites. Years ago when my mother was diagnosed with cancer, she sent us a site called Greatday.com. Ralph Marston authors daily motivational readings. Corey and I would log on and share the readings. Today’s reading was so appropriate; I thought I would share it with all of you, too.
Uniquely Valuable
You have made it through what has come before, and you can make it through what is yet to come. Every day brings more experience and each experience brings new strength.
You have moved beyond more obstacles than you can remember. That’s given you what it takes to move through the ones that are now appearing on your horizon.
Feel your doubts, feel your fears and explore your concerns. Learn from them, adjust your approach and then move on ahead.
With each new joy and with each new disappointment, life is calling you to make it better than it’s ever been. With each new day, with each new challenge comes your opportunity to add your own special flavor of richness to life.
Whatever has already happened, you can find a way to quickly be at peace with it. Whatever comes along, you can find a way to make the very best of it.
Reminding yourself often of how uniquely valuable each moment is. And choose to fully live every bit of that value.
When I read this entry I couldn’t wait to read it aloud to Corey. She was looking at me, listening intently. It seemed to be written for her. We talked about her strength, progress and the achievements she’s made in such a short time since the accident. We also talked about the value she has added to the lives of so many people. And then we talked about what she’s going to do when she can get up and out of this hospital to go see all those people she loves and who miss seeing her.
Skype is great, but Corey in person is Awesome! We love you sweetie! Happy dreams xoxo