Happy Birthday Corey!
We all know that this is not exactly the way Corey wanted to celebrate her special day but none the less it was a very special day.
For those of you who joined us in spirit, here are some details we hope will help you visualize the event. We hope you will feel like you were with us.
Corey’s girlfriends from Avon Grove and Cheering, as well as parents, teachers and coaches came to the Christiana Hospital cafeteria.
We had a small area with round tables and chairs that are enclosed with glass walls they call the fishbowl. My neighbor picked up a Costco cake that was decorated with the Hungry Hungry Caterpillar (one of Corey’s favorite childhood books) and some of the girl’s baked cupcakes. Pink plates, napkins and cups accented the cake table. Happy birthday balloons, picture collages and presents filled the adjacent tables.
About 7:30, we lit the candles and sang Happy Birthday. The entire room took a moment to make a wish together before the candles were blown out.
One of our friends came with a video camera to document the event. This video will be wonderful to show Corey and help with her rehab. Caitlin, Corey’s older sister, came up with the perfect party game. All the girls moved the chairs to a large circle. Their task, each person had 1 minute to share their favorite “Corey Story”…yes; it is now on video tape! So many wonderful memories were shared as well as a few confessions that were very revealing! TMI for a parent! What a blessing to hear each story. Laughter, giggles, and so much friendship filled the room.
Clinically, we’re moving right along.
Corey had the surgery on the femur tonight (in fact, she was in surgery as the party was going on). Everything went well. She will be much more comfortable now that it is repaired.
She was still at a 6T today but the Doctors are pleased overall. Keep in mind, the brain is the slowest organ to heal.
She has been breathing on her own for almost 48 hours. Chest x-rays look good, CT scans are stable and vitals look strong. Tomorrow she will have her MRI.
Things are moving so well, we were asked to start interviewing Rehabs! It’s been an incredible 12 days. Corey is still not conscious, but her body is getting stronger. The sooner we get her to Rehab, the sooner she can begin to make the strides we are all praying for!
God, please continue to Bless Corey and thank you for all the people You have brought into our lives because of her. Words cannot express our appreciation!