Thank you to everyone for all your calls, text messages and visits. Your love and support strengthens us to continue to help her.
Corey’s car accident was severe. She has many orthopedic injuries but no internal injuries. Our biggest concern is the Brain Trauma but we are very optimistic. Corey is young, strong and healthy. The team of Doctors and Nurses at Christiana are amazing. They are hopeful that Corey will have a good recovery.
With this type of injury, it is very difficult to predict the speed or outcome. Anyone that knows Corey knows she’s always up for a good fight!
Future posts will include the good days and bad days. Her strength, personality, stubbornness, and determination will be the main driver for her healing progress.
So, where are we today…
The nurses check her neurological responses several times a day. This is her response to commands and pain stimulus. At the moment, Corey is not responding to any commands but she is responding to the pain stimuli by squeezing her hands and moving her toes. For each response she gets a point. The points range from 3T to 15T. Corey was a 5T today and her Eyes were reacting to the light test.
She had a bath and the bandages were removed from Sunday nights Craniotomy. The area looks good. Corey’s cousins Tommy and Libby were visiting and ran to the mall to choose some very fashionable scarves to help protect the area with STYLE! Of course they have to be pink! To complete her spa experience, her cousin Kerri gave her a manicure and she is sporting a lovely shade of bright pink nail polish to compliment her ensemble.
She has some congestion in her chest which we expected and is being treated. This caused a fever which is also being treated.
All in all, it was an okay day. She is much better today than she was Saturday! She’s fighting and making a little bit of progress everyday and we are so blessed that all your prayers are giving her the strength to begin her healing.
Love Marie, John, JohnPaul and Caitlin (Roxie and Amelia, too)